How can it be 2023 and this console still fails to keep all of your games updated, or at least offering a button to manually update every game installed by a single click.

It feels like it only checks for updates for the last 15 games or so you played, which is an upgrade over the like 5 on the ps4, but all of a sudden I want to play rb6s with friends, which I haven’t played in months and I gotta wait for like 30 GBs of updates first.

Also there’s no easy way to update games in the library at all. Select game, open the games page, click play game… wait for 5 seconds, then close game again. And if you have a disk Version, you even have to insert the disk first.

How come my phone is easily able to keep 200+ apps up2date with ease, yet a home console that’s plugged in and connected to the Internet at all times struggles to do so.

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago

    I have never had any issues with this. Every night it goes into rest mode and every day after work everything I have installed that has an update has been updated, even games I haven’t touched in months. The only exception is when games push updates later in the day and the update just gets out when I get off work but that isn’t a console issue and just an inconvenient timing.

    • @manuel19OP
      32 years ago

      Question, how many games do you have? Because in the beginning, it was the same for me. But I’ve added an SSD and put an external for my PS4 games and as said, it’s only updating the last played what feels like 15 or so. Anything I have sitting downloaded, almost unused, is never getting updated.

      It works just fine if you use the console like ‘vanilla’. Install like 6-10 AAA games that fit in the internal storage and all will be updated, but especially with a psvr2 now that has 20 smaller titles installed for itself, I might not come back to those games for a while and play other games in the meantime, means they won’t get updated. Then I’m playing VR for a week, several different games, take a break for a month and my regular games haven’t been updated.

      The play and app store have figured this out by having a check for all updates and update all button, I really wish the ps5 could simply do the same. Or just actually keep all games updated in rest mode without doing anything, that would actually be the best. Because I’m also having my ps5 in rest mode 99% of the time I’m not using it

      • @[email protected]
        12 years ago

        Currently I have about 20 games installed on the main drive. Granted they’re mostly smaller indie titles and then elden ring and destiny are the only large games I have. Never touched VR and I try to keep my installed games list small just because I like having space when something I’ve been waiting for comes out.

        • @manuel19OP
          12 years ago

          Yea but you see, you can easily have lots of games installed. And manually updating all of them just isn’t an option.

  • @[email protected]
    72 years ago

    It’s like this on Switch, too. I really don’t understand why there can’t be a manual “check for updates for all installed software” button.

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    This is one of the things Steam does really well. It’ll update everything and anything you have installed.

  • Haru
    42 years ago

    I’ve never had a problem with auto-updates. Anytime I put my PS5 in standby it happens in the background. Even when its not been in standby, the updates kick in shortly after turning it on.

  • @bighi
    22 years ago

    I can’t even fit 15 games on the PS5, so updating the last 15 games means it’s going to update all my games. Fine by me.

    And if a game is not in your last 15 games, what are the odds of you going back to play it any time soon?

    • @manuel19OP
      32 years ago

      I’ve got like 15 psvr2 games in about 150gb storage already. And well, chances are quite high, as I’m playing lots of different games usually.

      In total, I just checked, I have 44 games installed. Idk. Some games I just download as I might play them again with friends one day, like GTA online or rainbow 6. I play them like twice a year, but when I do want to play them, I have to download an update first, which is annoying af. Especially as I’m having my ps5 in rest mode anyways.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    It’s probably made that way so they can save up bandwidth. On the PS4 you can force all apps to update by rebuilding the library, not optimal but it works.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      If they were worried about bandwidth, they could p2p it optionally.

      I find it annoying that updates are so large. Surely with delta updates, it should be easy to only have the changed files.

      • @echo64
        52 years ago

        literally no one is going to be okay with giving up their bandwidth to serve updates to other playstation users. so no they can’t. that’s always failed as a concept.

        psn downloads is currently about 3% of all global internet traffic, if that is any indication to you of the scale that they are dealing with. that’s /with/ delta updates that already exist, as well as the restrictions.

          • @echo64
            12 years ago

            windows gives the option for p2p on local networks, which is a good idea as multiple machines on the same lan can share data quicker than them all going through the outbound connection, think an office. no one is okay with p2p like you are talking about, making the entire idea pointless

            • @[email protected]
              12 years ago

              It’s been a while since I checked but I thought Windows had 2 options. Enable p2p for download and enable for local network only.

              Maybe it was an older version of windows.

              I agree it is not something users want. They also don’t want to wait to play games. Sometimes you make compromises.

      • @[email protected]
        12 years ago

        the PS4/PS5 already uses delta updates (if devs want so), that’s why patching the games takes forever.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    yeah, this sucks. but i also understand why they would try to limit their bandwidth.

    my entirely blind guess is that they want to limit the amount of people who immediately start auto-downloading an update once it is released, but for some reason they are unable to do a download scheduling system (to even out the number of consecutive downloaders) like the one Steam has had for ages

  • @[email protected]
    -12 years ago

    My Xbox series x has this problem. It doesn’t reliably do anything while in standby mode. My ps5 does all this perfectly.