• Naja Kaouthia
    241 year ago

    We had a survey recently at my job asking how to reduce attrition (I’m in the training and development department). I opened it up and took a read through it and not one of the questions had anything to do with pay, benefits, or schedules. Every question was a variation of, how can we keep new hires engaged in training. Most of the resignations I get are because of schedules and the complete lack of flexibility so sure let’s talk about engagement.

      • @Carvex
        61 year ago

        Here’s your pizza slice for 14 extra hours this week, the company “appreciates” you! I’ll take my slice, 99% of the labor value you generated!

  • DessertStorms
    1 year ago

    What people are missing (and may not even have been intended, but is true nonetheless):

    “Pay them more” is what’s inside the box.

    The box itself is capitalism.

    Outside of the box is a world where you aren’t forced to sell your labour at a fraction of what it’s worth to make sure you have enough money to pay others for the means to survive (or end up like those they tell you simply “didn’t work hard enough”).

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    All these people saying we should just pay workers more, they don’t realise it’s part of a conveyor belt, if you start paying people more they’ll start expecting more pay every time work increases or you need them to work longer hours or travel further for their job. Once you start raising wages, before you know it you’ll be raising wages every year and don’t get me started on those people who ignore the ‘don’t tell your colleagues how much you’re being paid’ rule.

  • @Syrc
    1 year ago

    -Hmm… how about “make them work less”?

    -Wait, that was supposed to be in the box too

  • @ShittyRedditWasBetter
    1 year ago

    This is so fucking dumb. This isn’t how business’s work nor is planning accomplished like this in most successful business.

    This is more of that faux internet progressive-ism that Obama bitched about.