• @alpacapone
    851 year ago

    It’s going to dip again when third party apps are shut off. Personally I’m still browsing Reddit to check in on the drama on /r/ModCoord

    • @syn
      291 year ago

      Yeah exactly this. Most of the subs I used to be active in are still restricted or just meme subs now. I’m checking in to watch the drama until I can’t use RIF anymore, but it’s all lurking for me now and I just don’t have any interest in engaging there anymore.

      • @healer_56
        21 year ago

        dont you mean “RIF is fun for Reddit”? Are you sure you wrote this correct xD

    • @iamsgod
      91 year ago

      dunno, but third party usage were never that high IIRC. that’s why them targeting third party apps is a weird decision

      • @riodoro1
        271 year ago

        It’s not weird at all. The traffic is low so they don’t give a shit and by killing them third party apps they avoid questions from investors about loopholes in their ad feeding platform. Reddit wants to go public now so they have to be big boys, and we all know what it means under ripe capitalism. No mission, only revenue

        • niktemadur
          1 year ago

          by killing them third party apps they avoid questions from investors about loopholes in their ad feeding platform

          No mission, only revenue… and smoke and mirrors? A bait-and-switch to fool investors?
          Because if third-party app usage really is that low, and Reddit is losing money regardless, you’re describing putting a Band-aid on a hemorrhage and declaring the patient cured.

          Are investors really that stupid? Just another meaningless ritualistic sacrifice at the altar of investment capitalism? “Show them that you’re doing something. Just do something, make a splash, whatever it is, I don’t care. Act like you’re REALLY busy. Enough sucker investors won’t look into the numbers.” And how is this any different from incompetent russian generals invading Ukraine? They look to me like mirror images of each other.

          Then again, there’s greed, the impulse for total control, biting off more than you can chew then not being able to back down because of pride and arrogance, emotional incompetence, and damn the consequences, both short and long term, the collateral damage. And here the Ukraine analogy is once again wafting across my mind.
          EDIT: After all, so many of these corporate assholes - Walmart, Home Depot, Nestlé, and yes, Twitter and Reddit - they DO lean right wing.

      • @alpacapone
        181 year ago

        don’t more people use third party apps than the official app?

        • @iamsgod
          11 year ago

          i mean, on the context of overall traffic

      • @Naryn
        101 year ago

        Apollo has 25m downloads, I can’t imagine that the various Android 3rd party apps are any lower than that in total, if not individually.

        Officially they make up a small amount of traffic, but amongst power users who both create and comment significantly is much more commonly done through 3rd party apps.

        • @kofe
          21 year ago

          I’m guessing they’ll continue with bots to cross or repost. I usually checked comment sections for users to point them out, but it seems like they’re trying their best to just encourage people to scroll without much engagement now.

  • @where_am_i
    1 year ago

    I always said, redditors are good at complaining, but do nothing else.

    r/workreform is one of the most popular subs, yet reddit’s userbase can’t even protest online properly.

    Your work reform is never coming, plebbit. just saying.

    • Ørez⁶⁶
      311 year ago

      Sadly, I think this is widely true about people in general. Actually commiting to change is so much harder than expressing dissatisfaction with your current state.

      • @where_am_i
        291 year ago

        except this is not “I gotta threaten to quit my job if it doesn’t improve”, “stop eating meat”, or “switch to a bicycle instead of a car”.

        This is a “I gotta open a different app and start lurking there daily and occasionally post”.

        Switching to lemmy took me an hour. How difficult is this protest, really?

        I mean, how much hope is there for humanity with that level of indifference/apathy.

      • @ZagamTheVile
        51 year ago

        *France enters the chat “The fuck we do”

      • @Mewtwo
        41 year ago

        Occupy Wall Street comes to mind.

        The George Floyd protests eventually brought about justice to the killers, but so many protests never pan out unless extreme violence and complete revocation of the current system takes place, which has never happened in American protests due to the general populace’s sense of comfort.

        • @grue
          41 year ago

          Occupy Wall Street

          Was that failure organic or due to sabotage from a modern COINTELPRO, though?

          • @afraid_of_zombies2
            31 year ago

            It smelled like a barn there when it was going on. No plan whatsoever to deal with hygiene. I talked to them a few times and listened. They couldn’t even set up a basic organization structure or even agree to decorum in voting like Robert’s Rules. Plus they couldn’t stay on message. I spoke to a person who identified themselves as a spokesperson who continued to say over and over again “I can’t speak for others about that”.

            You don’t need to invent a plan by the CIA to destroy that. It is like every single idea of how to organize a protest was thrown out the window and replaced with well nothing.

            • @grue
              11 year ago

              COINTELPRO was an FBI thing (not CIA), but never mind that. Maybe the problem was that they were scared of such infiltration, and over-corrected by trying not to have any hierarchy at all.

    • @queermunist
      11 year ago

      Consumers are notoriously difficult to organize for boycotting and protests. There’s nothing that actually unites different Reddit users beyond using the same service, so solidarity is nil.

      I’m not going back, but I was looking for the exit for a while anyway vOv

    • niktemadur
      -11 year ago

      “I did something about it! I liked someone’s angry tweet!” Then they watched Netflix, distractedly fondling their purity and lovingly sniffing their fingers. bOtH pArTiEs ArEtHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe

  • @foolonthehill
    511 year ago

    I went on Reddit yesterday for the first time since the strike, whilst trying to debug a code issue. Almost every post from years old questions had the replies deleted by the users. I think the real damage will be the deletion of content and the change in tone from redditors. Most useful discourse will be gone and it will turn into a place only for arguing, memes and shit posting. Advertisers aren’t going to want to pay to advertise on low quality content like that.

    • @ilickfrogs
      1 year ago

      I truly feel most of the 3rd party app users were the more level headed folks in the userbse. For the most part we were users there since before reddit had an app when good discourse took place. We’re taking that discourse with us and I anticipate further deterioration of reddit. More akin to Facebook style toxicity and echo chambering. I’m sad to see it because overall that’s a net loss for humanity/the internet. But I like it here.

    • @XeroxCool
      1 year ago

      Punishing future searchers is what has me conflicted about wiping everything. I have an 11 year account. I have no idea how many times my troubleshooting was correct for various issues or howany times my anecdotal incidents could match for someone else.

      xkcd: Wisdom of the Ancients


      Rollover: “All long threads should have a globally editable post stickied to the top saying” DEAR FUTURE USERS, here’s what we’ve learned so far"

      Since I didn’t figure out image embedding, here’s the regular link https://xkcd.com/979/

      • @Hogger86
        71 year ago

        The Reddit board are profiting off you though, your knowledge in those searches has value and you see zero while.spez and co get millions. Try to get it off Reddit.

        • @XeroxCool
          71 year ago

          It just feels dirty. The odds of someone coming across an old thread vs them posting + me seeing are very disproportionate. I’ve seen a lot of sites turn to shit and it hurts to actively contribute to that. I’m a tiny fraction of it, but part of it nonetheless. I feel like Roy Batty in his rainy monologue in Blade Runner as I reminisce among what I’ve seen. I’ve seen Facebook become the #1 social site and allow beautiful groups to flourish, only to collapse under it’s own weight and greed and become an unsearchable stream of consciousness. I’ve seen photobucket gain titan status among image hosting, only to allow greed to permanently destroy decade-old archives among forums. I was there when forums changed formats that would break 15 years worth of inter-thread link formats, shredding the web-like connections between dormant discussions. I remember the adorable, embarrassing exchanges posted to MySpace bulletin boards as an embedded video played over an audio stream with clashing text colors before that was eclipsed by the clean, mature format of Facebook. And now, we’re in another wave of Reddit degradation as so many users wipe their data in spite of the poor executive decisions. We thought the internet was forever, that anything posted was eternal. We feared sharing anything sensitive due to the viral nature of the web. But, as it turns out, it’s not so permanent. Those critical viral moments spread like fire on flash paper and were forgotten just as fast. Corporate greed and poor management has proven again and again this is all temporary. All of those moments, those posts, lost in time like tears in rain.

      • @Zstom6IP
        31 year ago

        i wont wipe my reddit account because i dont want to destroy the posts i made.

        • The Snark Urge
          31 year ago

          You can scrape them. Bots are slowly importing posts to Lemmy communities from their legacy sources

      • Ataraxia
        -11 year ago

        Well host those comments on your own website and submit it to Google to be indexed?

        • @TheGreatFox
          21 year ago

          That will just get you buried under the hordes of SEO garbage. People add “reddit” to their searches because regular search is useless.

          • Ataraxia
            11 year ago

            There are forums that are still being run for the stuff I need or youtube. I’ve managed to avoid reddit search results for two weeks and used steam or dedicated forums for every thing else from tech stuff to cooking. I never used reddit for anything but doomscrolling so I’m familiar with other resources.

        • @XeroxCool
          21 year ago

          It’s not realistic. I’m not THAT helpful. I just know the value I’ve found in ancient threads myself. I can’t really sift through my own shit posts in any meaningful way and I can’t bring the entire discussions with me.

    • nadram
      1 year ago

      True, plenty of the useful posts, advice, opinions will be lost. Unfortunately i don’t think Reddit will suffer much for it, eventually spez will get his IPO, and possibly have moderators replaced by paid staff and/or bots. Life will go on there almost certainly for the worse. Social media and the monetization of people win again. Edit: i deleted my posts, comments, and account there. Same as Facebook and Twitter.

  • @Lifecoach5000
    491 year ago

    Welp they are getting way less traffic from me. All I do is occasionally log on and see which subs are creatively protesting now 😆

  • @ElderTree333
    481 year ago

    I’m more curious about how the numbers will look after they nix 3rd party apps. There’s bound to be a dip after June 30.

    • @GroggyKon
      51 year ago

      Are there a significant number of users using third party apps? Would be interesting to see.

      • @Thadrax
        41 year ago

        I’ve seen an overview from a popular sub a while ago, as far as I remember a third were using 3rd party apps at least part of the time. Many people use multiple ways to view Reddit though, apps on mobile, old Reddit in a tab at work etc.

      • @ilickfrogs
        31 year ago

        Last I saw they account for something around 10 000 0000 users. But that number is dwarfed by the official app.

        • justhach
          31 year ago

          Yes, but many of the “power users” (ie, not lurkers who downloaded the official app because its the "official app) are the ones making content which drives enagement who are using 3rd party apps, as well as the majority of mods AFAIK.

          All we can do now is speculate until the price of API access pushes our 3rd party apps in July.

      • BuckFigotstheThird
        21 year ago

        Yes, that was the precursor to all this; The API changes and it’s effect on 3rd party apps.

    • @GroggyKon
      11 year ago

      Are there a significant number of users using third party apps? Would be interesting to see.

  • Cloudless
    441 year ago

    Let the sheep stay, while we enjoy some fresh air in the fediverse.

  • wilberfan
    411 year ago

    I totally believe this. Exactly zero of the 11K subscribers of the sub I mod have followed me over to the fediverse–despite a third of them ‘supporting’ the idea of keeping the sub dark.

    Still deciding if I should just be an ‘absentee mod’ (not post anything personally, but keep things reasonably orderly) or let someone else mod it and move on. I just cant, in good conscience, ‘return to normal’.

    • @Chalky_Pockets
      261 year ago

      Reddit doesn’t support you, your fellow users don’t support you. Do right by yourself and stop giving free effort for no benefit.

    • @surewhynotlem
      61 year ago

      Do it wrong. Internal protest is the best protest.

    • @cashews_win
      1 year ago

      Relax the rules to basic reddiquette and allow posting of anything. I think a few subs are doing that and you’ll get people posting stuff like Hong Kong awareness, reddit news, etc.

      You could also start posting nsfw content which I think InterestingAsFuck were doing because it blocks Reddit ads and monetisation.

  • @Cybermass
    371 year ago

    I’ve cut out Reddit, if lemmy dies my social media use dies with it.

    I’ll be here contributing to the community as long as everyone else is.

  • @Atxu
    331 year ago

    I continued to look reddit for reasons, but honestly the feed is deteriorating fast, maybe traffic is back, people posting content, not so much, engagement? Even less, it’s like looking to a old mediocre Google News feed.

    • 🦥󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠
      131 year ago

      Engagement is up because an algorithm optimized it.

      The algorithm does not care if that engagement is negative or toxic.

    • @The_Vampire
      101 year ago

      Yeah, I at least personally used to be a bit of a power user and have just stopped posting/upvoting/downvoting altogether, and I’m not even a mod.

      Just because people show up does not mean people are engaged.

  • @Gingerlegs
    281 year ago

    Once Apollo is inactive, so am I.

    I’ve been here 50% or more. Won’t be hard, lol. Idiots

    • @Eczpurt
      111 year ago

      Maybe it’s the novelty here or something but I’m really enjoying Lemmy overall. Agreed switching over completely won’t be difficult in the slightest

      • Balder
        121 year ago

        There’s less comments, but also no low-effort jokes at the top for karma.

        • @Telstarado
          51 year ago

          I actually forgot those were a thing in the week since I killed my reddit account! Every post getting bombed into oblivion with one-liners was crazy annoying.

        • @Imotali
          31 year ago

          This is 100% what I love about the switch. It’s not spammed with reposts and bots karma farming.

        • @scottywh
          21 year ago

          I wouldn’t say there’s “no” low-effort jokes…

          I just saw someone commenting “based” in another thread and that dumb shit is pretty low-effort.

      • @Imotali
        11 year ago

        For me it’s Sync, which is thankfully working on a Lemmy app.

    • King of Where I go
      41 year ago

      Ill admit its taking a hot minute to get setup on Lemmy, find communities and such. But Im enjoying it.

  • @Buffalox
    1 year ago

    From what I have seen, traffic is down 9-10% now, which is quite significant.


    Also the world has found out there are alternatives, so if mobile apps stop working or cost money by July, we may see a similar drop again.

    What happens after that is hard to say. IMO reddit has steadily deteriorated compared to what it was 15 years ago. I miss the old reddit, what reddit is today I won’t miss.

    Reddit will probably survive, and that may be for the best for Lemmy too. As long as Lemmy stays sustainable, I think we are better off without most of the people who choose to stay with reddit. Because those are likely to also be the people who don’t really care about values.

    • @pacology
      1 year ago

      It depends on what percentage of power users/content creators/OPs are in that 10%. Most online communities have a pretty lopsided composition of posters vs. lurkers. If all posters move, the community will be eaten from the inside-out by repost bots.

      • @Buffalox
        61 year ago

        I think the way reddit was going, quality content creators were already drowned out in many places.

        We have a few bots here already making posts, I’m not sure how good or bad they are, but I’d prefer a site without bots. Where things are posted, because someone actually found it relevant here.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Reddit will probably survive, and that may be for the best for Lemmy too.

      I never thought about that and that makes a lot of sense to keep the problematic users over there.

  • @kwot
    241 year ago

    …normal or “hey, it’s all good because we said so”?

    • Labototmized
      41 year ago

      Welcome friend! If you need any help the community here is awesome at that! And very welcoming :)

  • @Waitwuhtt
    221 year ago

    Obviously if PC Mag says it it must be true. /S