I’m not even sure if that an option in the men’s room?

  • morgan423
    401 year ago

    Regardless of where you are on the seat cover debate, you should be aware that you can stop those stupid flush sensors on public toilets from going off before you’re ready.

    Cover that sensor with TP after you first arrive, and it keeps it from going off. Then when you’re ready to roll, take it off and drop it in the bowl and go. You can be like an action hero walking away from a fireball as it flushes, lol

    Seriously, it’s just gross getting toilet sprayed, so I’m glad this trick exists.

    • @DadHands
      41 year ago

      If I waited until I was totally done to flush I’d have to carry a personal plunger around

    • @kape
      31 year ago

      Reading this is the best thing since sliced bread

  • @kiwifoxtrot
    281 year ago

    Nope. If the seat is dirty I’ll wipe it down. The covers are usually wax paper that sticks to you and crinkle while you sit. They are usually not suitable for flushing and should be tossed out in a bin.

    • TragicNotCute
      71 year ago

      I know they are hygienic, but man do I hate those things.

      • pizza_rolls
        41 year ago

        I have bad news for y’all… Toilets are made from materials that are not porous for hygiene reasons. You are introducing a toilet seat cover made of paper, which is very porous. At best it does nothing cause it’s allowing a bunch of bacteria through anyway

  • @hark
    211 year ago

    If I’m going to sit down then absolutely.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    151 year ago

    I’ll wipe down the seat if there’s liquid on it, or select another stall if there’s worse. Paper liners are uncomfortable, noisy, wasteful, and don’t actually do anything useful.

    The door handle is where you’ll pick up germs, not the toilet seat.

  • @cin_tar
    111 year ago

    Yes. People are gross.

  • SFaulken
    101 year ago

    Negative. If the seat is that untrustworthy, I’ll just find a different toilet.

    • PoliteDudeInTheMood
      21 year ago

      I was in an asian grocery store with the wife, and the smell of the place set something off in me and I had to go so my wife asks one of the employees if I can use their washroom. They unlock it for me, and I’m all thankyou’s until I walk into this little room and see what’s waiting for me. There is not enough bleach in existence that would make what I saw that day usable as a toilet. I backed out, looked at both of them and said NOPE! And drove home to use the toilet as fast as possible.

      Afterwards she didn’t think it was so bad that it warranted a trip home, but I chalk that up to cultural differences. She must’ve seen some shit in her life if that was acceptable in any way.

      • BrerChicken
        21 year ago

        In some parts of Asia I think a hole that you squat over, cut out of plywood or even tile, is kinda normal. A porta potty is not that different, ttytt.

      • ZerlynaOP
        11 year ago

        That makes me think of the toilet in Trainspotting.

    • Bleeping Lobster
      11 year ago

      Yep, it sucks when you’re busting for a shit and you finally get into the cubicle, only to find some sket has pissed all over the seat. I generally try not to waste stuff like toilet paper but that situation calls for a healthy handful, I’m not getting rando piss on me!

  • Y|yukichigai
    61 year ago

    I do, but mostly because I tend to sweat if I’m sitting long enough. I’d really rather not leave behind a bunch of my ass sweat for the next guy.

  • @WhatASave
    51 year ago

    Depends on the place. I usually wipe the seat down and try to forget how gross it is. Sometimes those things are so awkward to use though

  • @hero2zer0
    51 year ago

    I usually do what I call “aerial bombardment” 😎 Just squat over the seat, not actually touching anything and aiming for the side of the toilet, so I don’t get hit by the splashes…

    • @SpaceNoodle
      11 year ago

      Thanks for getting shit and piss all over the seat for the rest of us.

      • @hero2zer0
        11 year ago

        Forgot to mention I lift the seat first ofcourse 😂

  • Marduk
    41 year ago

    no, but because of certain disgusting individuals at my workplace I keep a container of clorox wipes to clean/disinfect the seat on those rare times I can’t holdout until I get home.

  • @kartonrealista
    41 year ago

    They most of the time aren’t available where I live, so I just rip up some toilet paper to cover the seat before sitting down.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    They’re in the men’s rooms, but, if I absolutely have to use a public restroom, I’ll triple-fold lengths of toilet paper and cover the whole seat. Then I’ll kick them into the toilet once I’m done.

  • Monkeytennis
    31 year ago

    No, in most situations it’s needlessly germ phobic and wasteful. Using copious sheets of paper or a liner which gets flushed or goes in the bin is objectively a bad thing.

    City sewers are often a wreck because people treat toilets like a magic black hole.