Hello Everyone!
Time for another update on our gaming progress!
I am still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingom. About 65 hours in. Small non-spoiler update next, those who want to avoid it can move to next paragraph. I am going for the last regional quest, and have found 60+ shrines. As for exploration, have done about 1/4th of Depths and Sky Islands, and activated all Sky towers, though there’s still a lot to find.
I mentioned resuming Animal Crossing, but it didn’t went far. My wife is completely back into it, but I haven’t played it much, whenever I am on Switch I just want to play Zelda.
In non-Nintendo world, just downloaded Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, going to start playing it with my kid. Going to be our first beat 'em up together, if I am not forgetting any.
Other than that, also planning to give Monster Hunter: World another try, this time with a group of friends.
That’s all from me. What are you all up to? What are you playing?
More TotK for me, with a high level of avoiding the main questline.
65 hours in and I’m the same 😆
I’m still immersed in the world of TotK, squeezing in gaming sessions whenever I find a spare moment. Surprisingly, despite investing a considerable amount of time, I’m “only” 40 hours into the game.
Haha, I had an opposite experience. I thought I am not playing it at all, might be 20-30 hours at most, then checked and was at 50 hours. The game feels immersive so don’t even realize how much time I have put into it.
If this anhedonia streak continues, I’ll probably dick around for an hour or two on Guild Wars 2, drop an hour into Vermintide II, maybe load up an emulator and play a couple of SNES games, then ultimately end up listening to a podcast while I play spider solitaire.
Of all these words, I only know enough about SNES and Spider Solitaire to comment on them. 😀 So, what podcasts are you listening these days? Anything interesting to add to my list.
I stay on top of Last Podcast on the Left (except sometimes I’ll skip the UFO episodes and come back to them later… they can get a little silly), and fill in the gaps with Behind the Bastards and Scam Goddess.
It looks interesting. Is this the kind of show where you can hear old episodes whenever, or is it something that include recent events that won’t be fun without context?
ToTK, spending a lot of time not doing the main quests.
Finishing up FFVII Remake Intermission before I start FFXVI as the other game I’m juggling in the not-much free time I have had lately.
TotK is just as fun doing the main quest, as it’s not doing the main quest. Though right now I am really excited about the story and want to know more.
Good luck with FF7R-I, are you looking forward to playing the the second part coming next year?
Definitely looking forward to the next FF7R installment :)
Since I finished TotK last week (got 100 hours out of the game), I decided to take a break from it for a while and instead focus on my switch backlog.
I’m about to finish a game called In Other Waters. What I initially thought would be just a chill exploration game became a really immersive narrative experience with turn of events which really caught me off guard. I’m definitely interested in more games from the developer, I heard great things about their subsequent game Citizen Sleeper.
Other than that, I started playing Blaster Master Zero 2. I played the first one last year and really enjoyed my time with it, and the sequel so far seems to be as good as the first one.
Outside of Nintendo ecosystem, I’ll also probably boot up PS5 for a few hours and try to get more trophies out of Unravel 2.
Congratulations on finishing the game!
You already got me interested in “In Other Waters”, now you are getting me even more excited. Going to move it up on my to-play list.
How are you playing Unravel 2? Single player or co-op?
I’m playing Unravel 2 solo, I could not convince my SO to play with me. It does work surprisingly well as a single player game though.
Ah well, it happens. Glad you are still enjoying it.
I’m still mostly playing TOTK. I completed the main story earlier this week, and normally that would kind of trigger a switch in my brain to lose all interest in side quests, but somehow it’s managed to keep me interested.
The direct reminded me that I have barely started Mario + Rabbids Kindgom Battle, so been playing that a bit too.
Then to wind down I’ve been getting closer and closer to completing the all the normal Picross puzzles in Picross S2
Yeah, completing the game generally make me lose the interest in these things too, so I am trying to do all the side stuff between the main quests.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a great game, and the Donkey Kong DLC is alse pretty fun. Changes up things a bit to keep you interested, and also increases the difficulty a bit.
Picross is an all time fun game. I always have a Picross game going on, takes me ages to finish them though. I am still at Picross S4, about halfway done. I used to do Normal puzzles first, then Mega, and so on, but now I am doing all together. A page of Picross, then a page of Mega, and any Clip Picross as they appear. Keeps the game more interesting.
I am concentrating on tackling my backlog! This week I’m prioritizing Varriable Barricade, Amnesia memories and maybe a few routes from The crimson flower
A wide range of games!
It’s nice to keep the backlog short, just don’t force yourself to play anything, that burns you out.
Ended up getting sick and playing nothing :( but definitely not planning on burning out will take my time and enjoy the games :)
Good luck, and get well soon!
Unsighted! I saw it on the hidden gems section of the e-shop yesterday.
I’m waiting until my wife beats BotW before diving into TotK
Just checked out Unsighted, looks pretty good, went to add it to my wishlist and it was already there 😀 I don’t even remember when I added it. How are you enjoying it?
If you are playing BOTW too, I would suggest not jumping in TotK right away, it can cause burn out, but if you weren’t playing that should be fine.
I beat BotK, I played that shit endlessly on release.
And unsighted is good! It’s simpler but excellent. It’s worth it
Thanks, will check it out soon.
Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door. I prefer the GameCube and Wii era because my childhood.
Really fun game. Personally, I like the newer ones as well (especially Origami King) but I take them for what they are: a different series by the same name. Although I’m probably a bit of a heretic since Super Paper Mario is my favorite.
I actually did get Origami King on release year, it’s the best of the new games for sure. I did play Super Paper Mario a while back as well. I remember liking the flip mechanic, and that it had the best story.
Still ToTK. I started strong when it first came out, but haven’t had as much time until recently.
No worries, it happens. I didn’t get much last week either. And mostly play an average of an hour/day.
Deaths Door for me! Almost halfway through. Finished Tunic a few weeks ago and this has been a good follow-up to that
Great couple of games. Both are on my list, would like to play them soon.
How did you like them both?
Really good. I could barely put tunic down at some points.
Prepare to die a lot in both.
Yeah, heard they are both tough ones.
After TotK I am going to play a few smaller games, haven’t decided which ones yet. May give them a try then.
Still playing Tears of The Kingdom myself, 225 hours in I have one last temple and a few side quests here and there so I’m almost done with it and I have no idea what I’ll be doing next lol.
Wow, 225 hours is a long time. Respect!
That’s mainly because I don’t like using fast travel and I explore a lot heh
Haha, makes sense, but still. 👍
TotK still, but also been switching (get it) between New Pokemon Snap and Fire Emblem: Engage. I just got OG Pokemon Snap for my N64 in the mail today so I’m probably going to drop the new for the old this week. Also thinking about keeping on theme and starting a playthrough of Pokemon Trading Card Game on Gameboy
Congratulations on getting the OG Pokeman Snap! Looking like you are going to have a fun weekend!
Mario party for switch.
Which one? Aren’t there two of them?
And how are you liking them? I saw mixed comments about them on reddit when they were released. I am not much into party games, so didn’t check in detail.
About to finish 13 sentinels & got spiritfarer and both portals in queue.
Spiritfarer and Portal 1 & 2 are all great games. Have fun!
How are you liking 13 Sentinels? It’s on my wish list.
If you’re into the (primarily sci-fi) story, it’s really good. Bit confusing gameplay-wise in the beginning, but clears up quickly and them becomes confusing story-wise, which actually is kinda the point. I liked it a lot, even the battles which seem to be the part most complained about. I would however suggest picking it up on sale and not paying full price as it’s not exactly replayable.
Ah okay. Thanks for the info.