I’m currently on a mission to compile a list of health-related communities and overall maybe turn that community into something useful and available to everyone. (If someone wants to help, I’ll welcome it. This is just a quick and dirty start.)

I went to look how things look from Kbin and Beehaw, and well, it’s not good. Kbin doesn’t seem to transfer updates, edits, and most comments, nor does it seem to recognize Lemmy pinned posts. And Beehaw has defederated from lemmy.world, so they don’t receive any new posts or anything.

What to do to make content “perfectly” available to those instances as well? The only thing I can fathom is to make accounts on both and make clone communities/magazines.

Or just forget it and wait until the federation issues resolve themselves, I guess.

Anyone here who’s also on beehaw and kbin? Would they even care?


Edit: I looked at the post again through kbin and it’s now fully updated (albeit not pinned). I guess Lemmy content updates on kbin when a logged-in user opens it?

  • dudeami0
    1 year ago

    Running an instance that focuses mostly on health related topics might help with being able to federate with most other instances. Most instances only seem to defederate if they are vectors for bots/harassment or their policies fundamentally differ. If an instance was purely devoted to only health related topics, this would help limit this. Sadly, health is pretty subjective and politicized these days for various reasons, so it might also not be a perfect solution.

    • @WhoRogerOP
      31 year ago

      That would be nice, yea. Maybe someone will make one eventually.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Re: pinned posts on kbin, maybe put links to the pinned resources in the group description?

    Re: comments, I’ve noticed here on blahaj (which is lemmy) that a lot of comments on lemmy.ml and lemmy.world don’t make it over here unless I manually search them. This is supposed to be addressed by the new lemmy update I think? But I don’t know if that will ameliorate issues for kbin.

    Re: federation, for communities that are intended to be big important resources, it would make sense for them to be hosted on an instance that is highly unlikely to be defederated by most other instances, for which I guess right now lemmy.ml is the best candidate?

    Hopefully in the future we will get tools for migrating communities, because instances to some extent do come and go (even if defederation wasn’t a thing), and we don’t want to lose whole communities when that happens.

    • @WhoRogerOP
      11 year ago

      maybe put links to the pinned resources in the group description?

      I don’t really like huge side bars, and people can’t comment on them (to suggest additions etc.)

      Actually I’m not sure kbin shows the Lemmy sidebars anyway…

      This is supposed to be addressed by the new lemmy update I think?

      Let’s see…

      it would make sense for them to be hosted on an instance that is highly unlikely to be defederated by most other instances

      Yea well, who knew. I thought lemmy.world would be the best since it’s so neutral. And who knows where there will be beefs in the future. There are voices against lemmy.ml too (for the lemmygrad connection), and I think those guys prefer to have that instance as just sort of a demo of Lemmy?

      Plus the kbin issues are there still I guess.

      And yep! Let’s see how this whole Lemmy thing develops. Thanks for input.

  • Rhaedas
    21 year ago

    On kbin I tried to search for “@[email protected]” and was able to get the subscribe page. I see Lemmy.world and Beehaw posts often in my “All” feed without subscriptions so I don’t think we’re defederated with either. Beehaw has the limitations but I thought it was just Lemmy.ml.

    • @WhoRogerOP
      51 year ago

      It’s just beehaw not federating with lemmy.world and some other instances not talking to each other.

  • @ZenGrammy
    01 year ago

    I created a community [email protected] for Neurodegenerative Disease Support yesterday. We’re just getting started but I’d love to be included in your list. I’m active on Lemmy.world and IBeehaw. I created two accounts so I can see both.

    • @WhoRogerOP
      1 year ago

      Sure. Could you help me figure out how to categorize the communities? And which category would yours be in?

      Ed: I added you to the list and made a post about it. I’ll figure out the categories another time.