it’s hard to get a proper metric because as a reds fan we’re usually out of it by now so it’s kinda just acceptance of fate and hope for something better [i like the colts though]

  • @dhork
    39 months ago

    It depends on how well each team is doing. I am a Mets fan and a Bills fan. When does Hockey start?

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    9 months ago

    I don’t watch football anymore. There is far too much advertising these days. Unfortunately baseball is starting to catch up with them, especially now that some teams are putting corporate logos on their jerseys, a disgusting change to the game.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    I’m from Kansas City. For most of my life, a successful Royals season has been defined by simply remaining interesting until Chiefs training camp begins in August. I am more of a football fan, so most years, I just totally abandon baseball as soon as football starts.

    Honestly, I don’t know how folks in areas with consistently good baseball AND football do it. It was rough in 2014-2015 when the Royals were making the postseason for the first time in my adult life while the Chiefs were starting to build something special with Andy Reid. September and October were just exhausting. But, you know, that’s one of those “good problems,” so I can’t really complain.

  • @Jackcooper
    29 months ago

    Seattle guy here. I grew up with the best years of the Mariners, then as an adult I’ve have the best years of the Seahawks. People are always surprised to learn I’m a bigger baseball fan. I support the Mariners throughout the year.

  • @IronpigsWizard
    19 months ago

    Usually as soon as the NFL season starts my interest craters until just before the World Series. That hasn’t happened this year. I thank the Savannah Bananas for that.

  • jimbolauski
    09 months ago

    Bears games don’t conflict very much with cubs games so no issue there, futball on the other hand does, it seems like I’m at one of my kids games every day.