I’m interested in recommendations for apps to share ideas, links, screenshots, text,… with my wife.

Use cases: sharing possible vacation spots, things we need to buy for our kid, interesting articles about specific topics, useful links regarding a project we’re both working on and so on.

Currently it’s all cluttered in text messages.

I’ve looked into

and a few others but most of these tools are geared towards project management while I’m looking for something more versatile/“creative”.

Here is what I need:

  • Android and Windows Client or preferably Webapp
  • Easy sharing from Android and browser
  • Possibility to create different workspaces/topics/channels
  • Decent and simple UI
  • FOSS is a plus
  • Doesn’t have to bee free
  • Not selfhosted

Thanks everybody!

    • @wmrchOP
      110 months ago

      I’m already on a hosted Nextcloud but Nextcloud Decks does lack even the most basic features and I’m not looking for file storage here.

  • @Kraivo
    110 months ago

    Why can’t you make a chat in any messenger you both use and link there only ideas

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    We use Anylist, an android app. The basic version is just a set of lists with some nice stuff like sub notes and quantity, the grocery list auto categorizes stuff into grains, canned goods, ect. But you can share with others and both edit them.

    The pro version adds a lot of features like images and recipe importing.

    • @wmrchOP
      110 months ago

      Thanks, will have a look.

  • Björn Tantau
    010 months ago

    When we want to remember something we create a group chat where we both are the only members. Works well for our shopping list and her business.