Cramer built his career on misleading investors to pad hedge funds’ profit margins. His opinion on literally everything should be immediately discarded.
He is well…regarded.
He is the most regarded person on television.
I am the most regarded off television.
Jim Cramer is a piece of shit
Hey but at least he’s an idiot.
nah he’s not a piece he’s the entire shit
Wait, don’t these assholes complain about Immigrants stealing jobs of Americans? Now, they want to send the jobs overseas?
No you see outsourcing jobs is good for conservatives because it prevents illegal immigration and increases profits for the shareholders.
Making living conditions in Mexico so good that they wouldn’t want to come north to our shithole country is the best way to fight illegal immigration and totally pwn the libs.
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Why does Jim Kramer hate America?
Because fucking over the average American is extremely profitable and he’s gotten rich off of misleading people with his “expert advice”
Mexicans should unionize.
Well, who’s going to move all the existing tooling to factory sites in Mexico then? Where are they even going to find good factory sites in Mexico with access to good transportation (ports and rails) and skilled labor force on such short notice?
Moving manufacturing is a major undertaking for any company, of course, I don’t expect someone like Jim Kramer to know that.
Of course Jim Kramer doesn’t know, he’s a doorknob humping shill. 😂
Pretty weird that I know more about this than Kramer.
Maybe I should do a show where I say dumb things and give bad stock advices. Seems pretty easy.
Not really shocking, I’m pretty sure the aforementioned doorknob, could give more insightful investment information than Kramer lol.
Unfortunate that neither of us has an in, to get his job.
Well, one of us did make a cameo on “The Big Short”, so…
You’re overqualified.
There’s already car manufacturing in Mexico, it’s not like it’s unprecedented. Obviously they can’t do it overnight, but it’s not unheard of.
Of course, but the thing is, it’s been decades since NAFTA, and all the good sites for manufacturing has all been taken by someone already. So, if they try to move now, not only will they have to build the factory, they’ll have to also build power stations/railways/port expansions, which could take multiple years.
Anyone remember when he went on The Daily Show and Jon Stewart scolded him like a naughty child and he couldn’t do anything but sit there and take it? Good times.
Got a link by any chance? Jon stewart scolding somebody is a fun 5min entertainment while on the shitter.
Thank you random stranger, it was a good poop haha
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Isn’t that the go-to threat from most companies nowadays? “If we don’t get our way, we’re MOVING TO MEXICO”
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Canada has unions
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I joined the auto industry around 5 years ago. It blew my mind to some extent to be made aware that some ~25 years later, the effects of NAFTA are still to be fully realized. I had assumed that enough time had passed that any economic rebalancing would have been complete.
The potential is there and ripe for industry to whole cloth make the move to Mexico. My company for one is rumored to have an unwritten rule that they don’t do new construction in the US, despite being a US based company.
Only a few crown jewel US locations are really well managed and supported.
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Not always Mexico, but yeah outside the US. Many of them have followed through with that. As capitalism pushes harder and harder for profits companies continue to look for ways to cut costs. Moving production to countries with cheaper labor and lax safety regulations is an easy way to do so.
Anybody that thought Cramer was for anything but infinite rise in profit no matter the cost hasn’t really been paying attention to his entire history of shilling for corporate interests.
Is Jim Cramer still a POS? Yep!
After they hear this, I expect the big three to immediatly cease all manufacturing in Mexico and add a UAW seat on the Board of Directors. Cramer’s advice should never be ignored.
I thought I remembered hearing something about an “inverse Cramer” ETF being created, which invest opposite to whatever he recommends.
Hasn’t VW proven that’s a bad idea? I mean look at the reliability issues they’ve been having
I’m out of the loop. I was under the impression all American car manufacturing started in Mexico and ended in the American Midwest / South. So it would just be moving production down that line. Did VW do manufacturing entirely in Mexico? Does VW have reliability issues? I stopped my interest after the Diesel scandal.
Most cars built anywhere have parts sourced internationally and then finished at one plant or another. This is a link kind of detailing how much of a car is sourced from the US.
VW has had some issues with Ignition Coils and the like, but most of their issues come from complex German engineering being put together by underpaid workers. That being said, they do have an “average” reliability score, so they’re not terrible, though the repairs tend to be costly because, again, complex German engineering.
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Although Henry Ford was a fucking Nazi, he had a lot of good common sense business and economic points. He made sure all of his employees could easily afford the cars they were building and it made an empire.
How did we get to this point where a large portion of the country somehow believes workers shouldn’t be able to afford to buy anything?
That is actually easy: They don’t think about the economy as a whole. They only look what might suit them best in this exact moment to increase „shareholder value“ for a short moment.
Snakes eating their own tail
Here lies the contradiction of Capitalism.
Move the executive jobs to Mexico too