Printables won. I will upload my files and link them here. I shouldn’t create another post since nobody likes spam. (sigh… What am I doing with my life?)

I’ll leave the original body here. Thanks for your help. /– Hello.

I have a handfull of 3D parts designed when I was in high school. These range from a custom computer anchor K-Lock (Shown here) to a plant monitor.

Unfortunetly, I graduated and don’t have a 3D printer anymore, as I use and test on my old school’s printer.

Fortunetly, I still have all of my work and I want to share it in a way that anyone can use, under a CC-BY-SA license.

What is a good way to share my work? Github, Drive, Gitlab, here?

I still like 3D printing, so I plan on getting one soon (albeit, it will take years…).


  • Gompje
    2 years ago


    It even has an award system that gives “meters”. Meaning if your models are very popular you could get printer for free… or at least few spools/merch.

    Edit: forgot the contest as well. Prizes are always good and on some big ones you could win a printer as well.

    Thinking you might get a good change for both given you are clearly making good models, even if you cannot test them yet.