I would be much less bothered by governemt shutdowns if it shut down the entire governemt instead of just the parts that I like.
I just want more One Piece memes
I said it before. I was so prepared to hate Live action One Piece.
I can’t believe how good it is and I’m surprised Netflix pulled it off.
And all the good little ‘centrist’ voters will believe them.
wHy DiDn’T tHe DeMs MeEt ThEm In ThE mIdDlE???
of course. they blame the democrats for everything.
They even blame the democrats for republicans giving handjobs in crowded theaters.
Republicans are literally the people who shoot a pregnant mother in the head, and with gun still in hand, smoke fresh from barrel ask…
“Why did Obama do this?”
you guys are having another shutdown? wow
The American government weirds me out. Why have an executive President when he can’t do shit. Why these deadlocks can happen if a party holds a majority? In my cuntry, the party with the most seats will run the government. By dint of having a majority, any bills proposed by it will almost always pass. Should a bill to fund the country fails, the ruling party in effect lost a motion of no confidence and the opposition can force a snap general elections.
The President can do plenty, they just can’t do everything and that’s a good thing. Trump did a lot of damage in his short time in office, but he could have done a lot more without the balance of power between branches of government in the US system.
That said, right now the gridlock is because the House of Representatives has a Republican majority. They’re the ruling party in that house, and you need that house to do a lot of things. They’re the party with “the most seats” while the Democrats have the slimmest of majorities in the Senate.
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