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I blame facebook and reddit. Wal Marts of the internet, destroyed all the unique small communities that used to thrive.
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Good analogy
He gets us.
The internet has endless quality content (including porn) for free and is still a place where you can have fun while being completely anonymous.
The world has never been more peaceful and prosperous.
I don’t get how either is worse than, say, 20 years ago. Stop being so fucking pessimistic all the time. It is what you make it.
20 years ago was 2003. The internet was fucking awesome in 2003.
Sure, maybe, but anyone who says the world itself was better in general in 2003 doesn’t really remember what it was like back then.
Things haven’t gotten worse. We’ve only become more aware of how things really are.
Nostalgia trips are always great, but it was nothing compared to now
I agree that it’s different now.
While the number of wars is less than 20 years ago there is an uneven but increasing trend for the past decade. Last year casualties were also more than at least 89 apart from a huge spike in 94. Amount of refugees has also been increasing in the past decade a little bit faster than the world population has.
Despite these facts, globally things are not at least yet out of hand. At the same time, there are many countries, especially in the West where current politicians are dismantling social security nets and human rights legislation. We are also increasingly seeing the effect of climate change on conflicts and displacement. Famine is thankfully rarer than ever before but we are so badly behind on any environmental action that it is pretty much guaranteed to happen more and more. I might be less pessimistic if the climate crisis weren’t staring us right at our faces. In general, historically things have gotten better and better with some lows. If we had time, we could probably sort ourselves out. There are also a lot of very smart people that could help with the existential threat but after the past decade, I don’t trust that they will be allowed to fix it.
You can also only be almost completely anonymous if you know what you are doing. The majority of people don’t know how. While data gathered from default users might officially be anonymized, the amount of data collected will often make you pretty easily identified. Zero-click spyware that has already been used against political opponents while not relevant to most average Joes do exist.
The world can’t be pulled up by your bootstraps. Most defeating is that you can do anything in your power and things still get worse. Yes, I might have more than a touch of secondary trauma but activism these days feels like hitting your head on the wall repeatedly. You can’t stop people from dying. You risk ending up in jail in too many countries that you once thought were civilized. And you are once again marching again Nazis when they sit in parliament in too many countries.
I think it’s completely insane to say that any of that is worse now than it ever was. Luckily you only meet pessimism like this in sheltered online echo chambers, so busy whining about Elon Musk or “Google bad” or other irrelevant bullshit, that they can’t see beyond their own bubble of ignorance.
The fact that Twitter is dying or websites are collecting more cookies is not a world crisis. The rest of these issues are just caused by USA’s capitalist greed, and no amount of activism is changing that, evidently.
I do see a major connection between commercialized online spaces and our inability to effectively communicate and problemsolve as a society.
I didn’t say it is worse than it ever was. Just saying it is not the best it ever was either.
My perspective comes from the fact that I am an aid worker and human rights activist. This has nothing to do with online discourse. My perspective is also not only found in online echo chambers. It is common among my colleagues. I am not referring to Twitter dying. I don’t care about that. And yes, activism is at least in my field of activism pretty damn ineffective. That doesn’t mean we should stop trying.
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Play us off, keyboard cat
RIP keyboard cat, you were loved.
the iphone was the beginning of the end. i remember getting an ipod touch around that time and simply having fun on it, downloading silly little games and apps, in pure awe that i could light a little fake lighter or pretend to chug a beer on the school bus. now you need a smartphone to participate in society
Me too! And it was monetized so reasonably. Many a millionaire were minted on that early app store. Amazing games for $1 - $5.
I saw more tits by the time I was 14 than all my ancestors put together ever saw. I’d call that a win.
I also accidentally saw more gay octogenarian orgies than my ancestors, probably. I call that a loss.
So we are even, for now.
I don’t know how many lemon parties you’ve seen, but I promise you that at some point of the roughly three hundred thousand years of human history some of your ancestors were gangbanging in the Village Elder Fuck Tent
We are in the blurst of times
“You stupid monkey!”
cursed and blessed
Image Transcription:
White text on a black background reading “the internet was once a fun place for watching cat videos instead of monitoring the real-time collapse of late-stage capitalism”
Below the text is a digital rendering of Fatso, aka Keyboard Cat, from the 2007 Keyboard Cat upload of a clip from a 1984 video.
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
I miss the pot of coffee :(
Has anyone checked on the coffee pot?
It’s offline
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This is a fuzzy memory but I think it was a web page with a live video feed of a coffee maker.
I think you could even turn it on remotely. Maybe someone else can confirm if that was the case, my brain could be making up memories again.(It kinda was). Here is the story: How the world’s first webcam made a coffee pot famousdeleted by creator
Oh yeah, all that hardcore gore was so kind and cuddly. Or the rampant, very out in the open child pornography.
I mean talk about delusional. The Internet was always a cess pool, it’s just that most of you fucks were either infants, or didn’t know how to use it.
I just came home from seeing The Kiffness live. The internet isn’t all bad.
Oh shit i didn’t realize he played out, how was it?
Absolutely amazing. And a bit surreal, basically seeing internet memes play out live right in front of he.
After the show he stayed around to take selfies and chat with people. Being at the right time at the right place, I got to open a bottle of beer with a lighter for him. Real chill guy, pretty much as you’d expect from the videos.
People see the old internet with really rose tinted glasses.
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like the big bang theory you know, now everyone just drifts away into their own little galaxies. like i did a similar web search on and found a lot of overlapse between lemmy and other reddit alternatives. so that’s a niche. lgbt is another niche i’m sure. you get all these niches and the internet is more separated than before.
I use cat videos to distract myself.
The irony here is palpable.
It used to be fun until people like you shoehorned their sophomoric political opinions into everything.