Ramaswamy, who has called himself an environmentalist while also being a staunch proponent of fracking and using fossil fuels in addition to carbon-free energy like nuclear, explained his position on climate change and policies to address rising global temperatures, telling Davis in the interview on Monday night that he believes the “climate change agenda” is a “hoax … more about pushing global equity” and deferring to China.

“I think that with due respect … ‘Do you believe in climate change?’ is not really a meaningful question because climate change has existed as long as the Earth has existed,” he said. “Do I believe it is a fact that global surface temperatures are rising over the course of the last century of the last half century? Yes, I think that that is an established fact.”

But, as president, he would not take action to address the warming of the planet, he said.

Ramaswamy was pressed by Davis in light of past mass shootings by “self-identified white supremacists,” such as the gunman who attacked a predominantly Black church in South Carolina in 2015.

He has been vocal about what he contends is a counteractive focus on race, including through affirmative action and race-conscious policies that seek to address longstanding disparities in areas like university admissions.

Ramaswamy said in Iowa in August that Juneteenth, which marks the emancipation of slaves in the U.S., is a “useless holiday” federalized “under political duress.” Weeks earlier, he posted a video saying “Happy Juneteenth” and “we ought to celebrate how far we’ve come as a country.”

  • @flossdaily
    9 months ago

    This is the nightmare that the GOP has become.

    Here we have a guy who is definitely smart enough to understand that climate change is an existential threat, and he certainly understand that if he went to a “small town”, white supremacist would be a very dire threat to him and his family.

    But he learned from Trump that the cheat code for hacking the Republican electorate is to just tell them exactly what they want to hear, no matter how ridiculously untrue it might be.

    Utter shamelessness.

    This man has no integrity and no honor.

    The GOP is an existential threat to this democracy and the human race.

    • @[email protected]
      149 months ago

      Yep, nothing but the best snake oil for the rubes. Republicans love their crooked businessmen.

            • @goetzit
              29 months ago

              Not dragging you but we get frustrated because we already know. I know both political parties are shit, but one is vastly shittier than the other, and my options are pretty fucking limited. What do you want me to do, revolutionize our political system on my own?

              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                29 months ago

                So much shitter is one than the other, in fact, that they aren’t “two sides of the same coin” and you’d have to be a abject moron so suggest they were.

          • @MedicatedMaybe
            39 months ago

            I get what you are saying and I think everyone is just so angry and that makes them defensive. The only path a lot of people see is thru the system we have and making change with in it. So the best path to that change is the democratic party and people are sick of hearing the argument that they are just the same. They aren’t the same at all. However just because the other political part is irredeemable doesn’t mean we can’t be critical of “our” side. The Democrats are an obvious better choice but they still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. We just need to make sure we keep what democracy we have and work to make it stronger.

      • @[email protected]
        139 months ago

        “Every one is as bad as Trump and his imitators” is truly braindead.

        Not one in 10,000 is as horrible as they are. If you knew Trump personally you’d cut off contact in a week after he tried to rip you off and molest your daughter.

      • @abracaDavid
        9 months ago

        People apparently like to ignore the absolute bullshit coming from the Supreme Court right now.

        Not to mention the Electoral College.

        Republicans are worse though. Their platform is now based on hate.

  • @[email protected]
    329 months ago

    The man is - and I mean this with all sincerity and in total seriousness - a race traitor. He’s courting a demographic that would have happily lynched him a half century ago, had he headed to their town and gone out with the “wrong” (for him, a white) girl.

    • Flying Squid
      199 months ago

      A half century ago? They’d happily lynch him now if they thought they could get away with it.

  • @[email protected]
    319 months ago

    When I was young I thought everyone being on the internet would solve most of the world’s problems. I was not anticipating that the internet would allow stupid rural people to craft whatever reality suited their confirmation bias to such an extent that the rest of society was forced to accept their delusions as valid.

    • TwoGems
      59 months ago

      Nobody should have ever accepted their delusions as valid to begin with. That was our first mistake.

      • @Weirdfish
        59 months ago

        We made access far too easy. Look at what a filter Lemmy has with by being just slightly complicated to set up.

        If you don’t want the drunk uncle on a platform, it shouldn’t be easy for a drunk uncle to join.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Whatever their flaws, as an ex-ruralite I have to disagree that the problem is just stupid rural people being stupid. It’s an oversimplification of the problem. Rural communities tend to be more tight-knit, more politically homogenous, and the risks of going against the grain can include ostracization and violence. In places where the church has influence, well-funded youth groups bring kids into a certain view of the world before they even have a chance to see it themselves, and enforce adherence to it through the same ostracization tactics. It’s a culture that breeds resistance to change and resentment of the unfamiliar. People caught by this often aren’t necessarily stupid, and in fact many, many smart people are victimized by it and then later reinforce it. They’ve internalized a bunch of ideological poison from a young age, and can’t step out of line or support others who step out of line, out of fear of losing their community.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    269 months ago

    Conservatism is a plague in deaperate need of a cure.

    • TwoGems
      189 months ago

      Our ancestors fought the Nazis. We’ll fucking do it again

      • @Redditiscancer789
        29 months ago

        And they did it without prior knowledge, we’ve got their passed down knowledge to start with.

  • @SulaymanF
    219 months ago

    So he’s for selfishness, got it. Let Florida go underwater because stopping that would limit oil industry profits.

  • @FReddit
    199 months ago

    What a pathetic asshole

  • @Coreidan
    89 months ago

    Put this dude in a diaper and toss it away into the garbage where it belongs.