It’s now a topic of political debate in many places, but while some are questioning whether schools should have gender-neutral bathrooms, Johnson Senior High School has had them long enough to have answers on the impact they have on students.

  • @Son_of_dad
    1 year ago

    My conservative parents were sketched out by the concept of all gender washrooms, until I took them to a cafe that had them. It was just a small hallway with like 6 mini, private bathrooms with a sink and everything. It’s so much better, and I can poop in peace.

    Conservative media makes all gender washrooms sound like a back alley full of rapists. It rots boomer brains.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Conservative media mashed all gender washrooms sound like a back alley full of rapists

      Ummm… What are descriptions of the hallways at Fox News?

  • Recreational PlacebosOP
    141 year ago

    Personally, I’ve always thought it was insane we design our public bathrooms to put our pooping and peeing on display to anyone who walks by. I guess the puritanical were worried about what sins we might get up to if we had some actual privacy. Take away the banks of urinals and stalls with half inch gaps between the panels, and wouldn’t you know it, all the issues about who gets to use which bathroom disappear. And, as an added bonus, you don’t have to be embarrassed by a loud fart, smelly shit, or shy bladder.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I definitely think actual privacy stalls would be a plus. Why do we need 2 ft gaps at the bottom and gaps in all of the doors.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Mopping for the first, and I have no idea for the second.

        That said, I don’t think floor to ceiling stalls are that much harder to clean.

  • hrimfaxi_work
    51 year ago

    Bullying was kinda bad in my high school, and I dreaded using the bathroom even as a cis straight dude. There was a decent chance I’d have to put up with some bullshit and a non-zero percent chance I could wind up in a fight.

    What’s pictured in the article/video would have been many times better, and I might not have developed a permanent aversion to public restrooms.