Imagine playing games for fun. Filthy casuals! If you’re not hating every second of your virtual existence, are you even gaming?
My soul must be a power gamer.
Unfathomably based!
“You get what you fucking deserve!”
Used to play hard or worse back in the day. Now it’s normal mode for life, I’m too old to try that much anymore! I also love games that don’t offer any option.
The last hard game I played would be elden ring and I platinumed it, I’ll be proud of that one for years haha.
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On the one hand I like beeing able to turn down the difficulty; e.g. when I’m intoxicated.
On the other hand the feeling of accomplishment is weaker than in games that force you on a higher difficulty and force you to become better
Beating O&S while hammered is an experience I highly recommend, both solo and while sunbroing
I’m sorry; my experience with this genre is limited to elden ring and I came here via the all-feed; what’s O&S?
Ornstein and Smough, a double team boss fight in towards the end of Dark Souls 1, often regarded as the hardest in the base game.
It’s a fast spear wielding lightning knight and a massive hammer-wielding executioner who two-team you. Once you kill one, the other fully heals and absorbs some of the power and moveset from the other.
It’s F U N
Uhh…Giant Dad build is easy mode in DS1 where it originated. That was the point of Giant Dad? He was very strong, especially in PVE. Zweilhander 2h attack floors most human-sized enemies. Literally knocks them down, it’s great.
Giantdad isn’t easy when he invades you. Then it’s time to earn your glory.
Easy mode?
Didn’t think when i woke up today i would see the most based post. Well done!
Dude… you need to turn the video games off and go talk to an actual human.
Believe it or not, shitposts on the internet don’t actually represent someone’s deeply held beliefs
This post does hold my personal held beliefs