This might sound really stupid (be gentle) but I wonder if some of the risks of directly and forcefully inhaling cannabis vapour can be attenuated by kind of sucking into one’s cheek rather than directly unmediated the normal way and then indirectly sort of vaguely breathing it indirectly.

Any thoughts? I feel like it can’t be that easy or it just doesn’t work that way…

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Inhaling ANY hot steam is not healthy. Your mouth, throat and lungs aren’t made to be smoked like a barbecue.

    • Your hot steam is a good point - does this include saunas? The steam from hot tubs?

      Now, getting any particulate matter in your lungs isn’t healthy in general. Inhaling smoke from a fire, or from a candle, or from cigarettes or pot or vaping – in the case of the last two, it’s just best to go with edibles.

      OTOH, our bodies are remarkably resilient in youth and remarkably susceptable to old age. By the time vaping kills you, odds are you’ll be ready for it anyway.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Of course, inhaling any hot smoke is harmful, you don’t go to the sauna every day to take long breaths. Edibles aren’t popular because they’re too strong, and I think because people want a dependency, not on the substance but on the oral, like babies on a bottle, something simple that can you often have in your mouth.

        • I totally get the oral fixation need! Plus, vapes are cool little gadgets. We were talking about the health aspects, though.

          I can’t do cannabis - I get a paradoxical effect of severe nausea. But couldn’t you just cut the edibles in half if they’re too strong? Or just buy a lower dose product.

          Edit: spelling

          • all-knight-party
            1 year ago

            My wife and I make pot brownies all the time. As long as you know the dosage in your cannabutter you can deliberately choose how much to put in. If you make them the same way twice then by that point you know how big of a piece to cut to get a specific dose.

            The other person is right when it comes to taking doses from edibles you get elsewhere with differing dosage amounts, or if you have poor self control or something, but edibles can totally be a primary way of ingestion, it’s just harder to learn proper dosage than inhalation, for instance, you can easily make edibles too weak instead of too strong if you want to be careful, they’re not always too strong and youre not always bound by God to eat too much, just be careful and not impulsive. You can always wait and eat more, you can’t eat less.

            • ProtonBadger
              11 year ago

              I should try to buy some edibles, I refuse smoking anything, finding it nasty, but am curious to try cannabis.

              A friend gave me a couple of “green” cookies once which I put in a away for the next day but then they were gone. My wife told me my mother in law had eaten them for breakfast not knowing what is was. They seemed to work really well, she almost smiled at me once that day.

              • all-knight-party
                11 year ago

                It’s worth a shot, just make sure you don’t do anything crazy high dosage unless you’ve got the weight to make the tolerance higher. Don’t eat anything beforehand, it’ll make the effects more predictable, usually takes at least a half hour for it to start digesting in earnest, and it’d be good to have someone there to help out, just in case.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            This is a chemical problem, and edibles are usually homemade, and that’s why they’re too strong, they’re made like Sunday apple pie. What happens when you have a delicious cake under your eyes? You eat two slices, not one piece.

            • I’ve only seen edibles at dispensaries, at leaat, not since I was young and it was illegal everywhere… but then, I don’t know many people that I know consume cannabis. It doesn’t seem to be a culture/identity thing in my generation, anymore.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      21 year ago

      I mean (it might be completely stupid impulse) that I kinda suck the air into my cheek before it goes down the hatch rather than inhaling it “directly” , its hard to articulate for some reason.

        • @cheese_greaterOP
          21 year ago

          Thats a hilariously apt analogy here. Seriously, I’ma dumbass in this matter 🤓

  • @BitSound
    51 year ago

    It’s probably not studied enough, but if you’re concerned about it, stick to gummies?

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      11 year ago

      I probably will or the sublingual spray. The only issue is how damn long it takes to “kick in” that way.

  • @Mojojojo1993
    31 year ago

    Can prolly get high of indirectly smoking. Second hand smoke like hot boxing. If you don’t want to inhale then maybe a different way to ingest cannabis. Edibles or hash cakes.

    Is it to do with lungs ?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    No, that would likely do nothing. What risks are you attempting to mitigate? The issue with deaths on oil carts were added shit, not regular weed carts. If it’s dry herb the risks are the same as breathing hot air. Not much.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      11 year ago

      I have heard anecdotally of long-term users (some even like super young <13 years old) who develop various breathing issues or lung problems like “popcorn lung” etc.

        • @cheese_greaterOP
          11 year ago

          I guess I’m just instinctually skeptical that vaping is a magical “free lunch” where you can get all the goodness of quick convenient kick-in and no health effects (in terms of physical mechanics of breathing in burning but still “clean” air) regardless of its ostensible superiority to big boy smoking.

            • @cheese_greaterOP
              11 year ago

              hot air

              This! Pun aside (I need to get that out of the way cuz I am serious about this and Imma get like a million joke responses to this), my question in essence really has very little to do with cannabis itself and more with the concept of highly heated air and it can’t be “harmless”, it just can’t.

              Like, I technically am conjecturing with that because I haven’t read anything (I really need to learn how to read and find scientific papers cuz I can understand the words just not anything besides maybe the bottom line(s) delieated in the abstracts) but I feel like its impossible its a free lunch for your lungs…

                • @cheese_greaterOP
                  01 year ago

                  Ironically, I find bongs still much too harsh. It makes no sense and yet that is my empirical experience every time I’ve tried it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    What are the risks of vaping cannabis?

    Even just smoking cannabis daily has very little long term risk, especially once you start comparing to tobacco users