Im looking for some form of self hosted application, ideally dockerized(able), that can connect to and manage an existing database (Im not picky on the DB type, Postgres prolly best though).

However Id like if it manages it via a nice well designed ERD. The closest I have found so far is PgAdmin but unfortunately it’s ERD leaves a lot to be desired. It’s kinda clunky, and it cant “diff” against your existing database to produce a migration script, all it can do is produce a script that expects you to totally drop the existing DB and re-apply the schema from scratch.

Something like Luna/Moon would be cool, but every example I look up seems to be an application you install locally on your machine and interact with directly, as opposed to a web interface.

If you know of such a tool let me know!

  • adr1an
    1 year ago

    To all who didn’t know, ERD stands for entity relationship diagram. It’s a graphic overview of your database. And this is one of the requirements OP seems to be asking in a tool but unfortunately he refused to explain.

  • @SheeEttin
    31 year ago

    Can you explain what exactly you’re looking for? Usually a simple database only requires simple administration, so tools like phpmyadmin and pgadmin are sufficient.

    • @pixxelkickOP
      01 year ago

      Are you familiar with what an ERD is, with respect to database management?

      Have you used tools like Luna/Moon, Navicat, Visual Paradigm, etc?

      Im looking for such a tool, but self hosted via docker in the form of a Web App.

      • @SheeEttin
        11 year ago

        I am not, and this is a very small and generic community, so the members here have limited experience with less-common tools. The more background you can provide, the better.

        • @pixxelkickOP
          -11 year ago

          Let me know what specific questions you have that my post did not cover and I can try and help out.

          I feel like I specified exactly what I am looking for and even gave some examples of existing (non self hosted) tools, so not sure what else to add.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            I mean you just repeated the same acronym over and over and assume everyone knows what you’re talking about. The person trying to help you obviously doesn’t know what an ERD is and is asking for you to clarify.

            You could easily describe what an entity relationship diagram is, or just not use an acronym for something in a general context. Instead you went for combative and condescending

            • @pixxelkickOP
              -31 year ago

              I have no idea how to respond to this. I wrote up a few attempts but it just felt weird.

              Why do you think I need to explain what ERD stands for, in the context of my question?

  • @lal309
    11 year ago

    Have you taken a look at CloudBeaver? I’m not sure I understand what an ERD is but I’ve used this to manage and work with databases before. Pretty easy, UI is not bad at all and it’s self host-able (through docker). I don’t know if it meets your criteria 100% but worth checking out.

    • @pixxelkickOP
      -11 year ago

      Trying it out, the wiki says it has an ERD editor, but its documentation is kind of lacking.

      It’s example image here:

      Shows it interacting with a postgres database, but when I try the same I am not getting a Diagram tab. Its also proving to be pretty awkward to try and work with.

      So far best I have found is Azimutt, which is pretty close to what I want but its interface is lacking atm, and I couldnt get it to successfully connect to my postgres database in the end (kept giving NOT FOUND errors even though I tested inside the docker image to validate the connection and it could indeed TCP the postgres database’s port)

      • @lal309
        11 year ago

        I do remember being a bit lost with initial connection to a postgres when I first spun up the app. I clicked around for a few minutes but after than it has been very handy. My use case was extremely basic as I just needed to manipulate some records that I did not know the right query for and to visualize the rows I needed.

        • @pixxelkickOP
          -11 year ago

          I was able to connect to the DB with Cloudbeaver, but it straight up wasn’t providing the diagram tab in the way the picture said it outta. The example pic even specifically is using a postgres DB as its example!

          I pretty much had the exact same view, but no diagram tab. Unfortunately the wiki article doesn’t go into much detail, it just says:

          “(if the tab is not presented then the object does not support the diagram presentation)”

          With no information provided further listing off what is, and is not, supported for diagram presentation.

          Lack of documentation it seems, which is unfortunate. It seemed like it has potential but I spent a good 20 minutes fiddling with it, trying different configurations and settings, nothing made it start working and it seems like (as is the case on a few of these tools) the ERD tooling is often a bit of an afterthought and poorly supported.

          Many of the tools are sql first, ERD… third? fourth? forgotten and lacking most features :(

          • @lal309
            11 year ago

            Sad indeed. Maybe raising an issue on GitHub? Even if you don’t end up using cloudbeaver, it’s worth reporting it. Maybe they don’t know there’s a problem with this component of their app.