• @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      So my anxiety does have a sixth gear.

      Who knew it’d be the fear of getting run through by raccoon at any given moment.

      Go to the bathroom garrrr racooon away stabbity stabbity

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I got no problem with pronouns. It’s adverbs I got an issue with. Stop trying to modify what I’m doing!

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    This absolutely made my night! I work with some severely transphobic people, the chaotic energy of this raccoon is refreshing.

        • No_
          -11 year ago

          You can be pro-trans and still cringe. Case in fact:

    • Arthur BesseM
      21 year ago

      assuming this is sincere, thanks for trying to be an ally, but…

      this slogan makes me cringe and wonder if it is uninformed or perhaps insincere, because the basis of the joke embedded in it is that the phrase “i identify as” is followed by something other than a gender (which is also the basis of various anti-trans tropes). 🤔

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I have a buddy who has lived in the US, several countries across the EU, New Zealand and Latin America. The gender thing is only a big deal in USA. Other countries do have some issues with how people are preferred to be called but it’s not a big deal according to him. Not trying to attack or anything, just telling stuff I heard.

    On the other side, I’m fairly new to the Feddiverse and I would love to hear more about other countries, I think USA people take over the internet really fast

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I moved to Germany from the UK, and Americans here are almost always lecturing everyone on their bullshit politics, and cod psychology nonsense.

      I wish they’d fucking shut the fuck up.

      • Doctor xNo
        -31 year ago

        Triggering people that get too bound to - and upset over - specific subjects like semantics (while trying to still refrain from saying something hurtful, I don’t do personal attacks) is a weird (and often lonely 😅) hobby, but someone’s gotto do it. 😅

        But yeah, –For anybody’s info (I don’t usually do this (never even when I still roamed the bigger companies’ social websites), but I have a feeling that the community of Lemmy might be a bit too small still to not at least do this once… 😅 Here’s my real view in relation to this particular topic): I actually have no real opinion on it as I always will be an outsider to it. I don’t have any personal experience with it myself, so I also have no ability (or right) to judge about it. If enough people tell me something is not for them what is for me (and I assumed to be the norm for everyone until that point in time), then it’s just a logical action to believe them and to take their word for it when it comes to their experience of it, cause there’s just no way to find that out on my own from the outside. Hence, in reality, I usually will just go along with what is asked to use, as is just the respectful thing to do whatever my personal views would be, so I’m not as ignorant as I come over, but I do like a bit of trigger-chaos sometimes, cause I do feel people in general are getting a bit too ‘responsive’ to details (like semantics) these days, and I personally am of the idea that we need to give ‘other people’ a bit of their right to be wrong back…

        This random (just a bit overly) PC meme just gave good opportunity for my bad habit and I just couldn’t help myself,… Which I then, due to real-world stuff, quickly forgot about having done,… until now. 😅 I’ll maybe try not to do it too often here, but I can’t make waterproof promises on that,… Sometimes it’s just stronger than myself to ‘push some buttons’ as I pass by them… 😅

        And finally, as a sidenote on this: I’m either very amazed I only got -1 on it; or maybe Lemmy just doesn’t go any lower? 😬 It did go up to 2 at first, which I can only imagine being somebody that must not have read it to the end. 😅

        Anyway, truly no offense intended to anyone, just an old habit of poking the bears to keep everybody a bit at the edge of their seat. 😂

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            I’m thoroughly amused that you’re willing to go with the ableism angle in this thread. Seems kinda…shitty.

            • Doctor xNo
              1 year ago

              Anything is considered shitty and reason enough to whine about these days. 🤷‍♂️ I stopped seeing any difference… 😬

              People are just becoming more and more intollerant of everything. Might as well give them some reason to exist sometimes… 😂

                • Doctor xNo
                  11 year ago

                  tbf, it wouldn’t be trolling if it had a specific dedicated threat for it. 😅

                  Anyway, I’ll try to keep it at a low on Lemmy and keep my poking of the directional entities mostly for “Big Social” moments. 😅

                  I feel like getting a mob against me here would be 80% of Lemmy hating me for my bullshit, while it’s not even my actual opinion. Rather have that go to actual haters… 😅

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          You have a 50/50 split of upvotes and downvotes, so you’re hovering around 0 give or take.

          Personally and if I understand you correctly, I pretty much share your view.

          If someone looks/acts like a specific gender based on cultural norms and personal experience, I’ll default to calling the person that gender. It’s just a simpler and easier form of communication, and takes just a moment to correct if the opposite is desired.

          They/them is technically usable but really clumsy sounding in English because that changes the entire sentence structure to plural even when you are speaking about a singular. Which is a personal pet peeve.

          It feels more natural to default to a neutral “he” and change to feminine “she” if corrected than it does to default to a plural “they”. Heck I’ve seen someone default to a neutral “she” and it still sounds more natural than a plural as a neutral. Just a personal issue with the English language there.

          And on the side of people who are trans… I have seen sentiment that the whole asking pronouns things makes some people feel very uncomfortable. It’s a constant reminder of being born into the wrong body, and makes it feel like all the effort to pass and be their true selves is meaningless.

          I think I’d rather offend a couple trenders that don’t understand language use than remind someone whose mental health is at stake about that and invalidate their efforts to pass with something so unnecessarily superficial.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I keep it simple and default to they/them unless they mention some specific preference. Doesn’t matter if they appear to be very traditionally masculine or feminine, or anything in between.

      • Doctor xNo
        1 year ago

        In English I try to, but the part about my language was true though. We don’t have a ‘they’, ‘they’ and ‘she’ uses the same word with us. (Zij)

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Ah, that’s understandable. My native tongue doesn’t really have gendered pronouns so they/them feels right at home for me (though ironically, the people in my country are mostly conservative and bigoted and wouldn’t accept nonbinary)

    • @Famko
      71 year ago

      The right becoming more radical with their attitudes to the LGBQT+ make queer people also respond more radically to their aggressive rhetoric.

      Also, can you expand on what criticisms are labelled as “homophobia”? I’d genuinely like to know.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      My only contact with the lgbqt movement is here on Lemmy and they tend to be openly hostile here, so I just don’t post my questions. :)

      Feels a bit like anger tantrums as soon as someone may have another opinion about things than they do.

      Even a post like this may be seen as “hater”… Ok. :)

    • @SasquatchBanana
      -41 year ago

      Wow you are so right.

      I told those Nazis that they don’t need to change their thinking or behavior against Jews. They just need to give equal rights to Jews.

      You are so smart. Amazing take. It isn’t like taking those old guard gayz didn’t want people to change their thinking (i.e. thinking gay people are normal, socially acceptable, gay rights) or their behavior (lynching, killing, draconic laws, etc.). Totally right. The alphabet mafia nowadays are infringing on OUR RIGHT to think what we want and do what we want.

      Maybe the confederacy had a point. Maybe the north was just so bad trying to force the south to change their thinking and their behavior. Your take is not reactionary at all.