• @elboyoloco
    241 year ago

    As much as I stand with you that gov’t uses our money poorly… And while I’m not a civil engineer… I am an engineer. There’s no way you are getting a mass transit system for $150M.

    • @jumperalex
      71 year ago

      If I had to guess it was a poorly worded implication that they won’t even pay that to support what we jave, not a whole train system for $150M

    • @New_account
      61 year ago

      Came here to say this too. My benchmark is the Silver Line extension in the Virginia suburbs outside DC. For those unfamiliar, the project added an additional 11 stations in two phases opening in 2014 and 2022. The vast majority of the route takes place deep in suburbia where land prices are cheaper than in DC itself. The route is also almost entirely in the highway median for the Dulles toll road, which means they already had the right-of-way. It’s certainly not a comprehensive system, but rather, a small extension of a much larger system. Total price tag for phase 1+2 combined was $6-7 billion before adjusting for inflation to today.

      $150M will get you nothing. It’s a lot of money to an individual person, but it’s a rounding error to the municipal budget of a large city. I know this is just a meme, but the math is off by a factor of 100 to 1000.

      • @HLB217
        71 year ago

        Ontario Line is kind of a bad example, it’s a clownshow of epic proportions

  • @ColKoala
    151 year ago

    150$ M sounds a bit low.

    • @kurwa
      161 year ago

      I agree, I wonder where this number comes from. However, I’d rather spend $2B on public transit rather than $1B on a stadium.

      • The Snark Urge
        51 year ago

        The very idea that public money should be spent on buildings that are entirely for profit by corporate entities is appalling. Moreso, most of these sports lead players to severe injuries and bankruptcy, while incentivizing colleges to put sports ahead of their curricula. The sports are poisoning everything.

        • @elboyoloco
          1 year ago

          So… I’ll start off by saying I’d still rather not have the stadium… But there is an argument to be made that it helps the economy. The influx of people in the area when games are held can help local businesses and whatnot.

          That being said… The influx of people without a mass transit system is messy. The roads suffer, traffic gets worse… So really you need the transit system first.

          I have no idea how much a stadium helps the local economy, but I know there is effects. Maybe someone more educated in that area could help us understand why cities do this - whether or not we think it’s right or wrong?

          • @jumperalex
            41 year ago

            Most research has shown that to be false because usually the deal made is horribly lopsided and based on dubious projections.

          • @RGB3x3
            21 year ago

            Stadiums are decent for the local economy.

            But public transit is so much better. Stadiums are only good for the area surrounding the stadium and even then, so much of a stadium’s footprint is empty parking lot. It’s a huge waste of land, contributes to poor drainage and worse heat and is an ongoing expense.

            Transit takes cars off the road, making driving better for everyone, it can be profitable for the city, it allows for businesses to flourish with more customers nearby (because they’re not forced to rely on being somewhere with parking)… A public transit system is a much better use of tax money than another stadium.

      • @cm0002OP
        41 year ago

        Well it’s really not about specific numbers, the joke is they’ll act like this even when it’s a fraction of the cost compared to a stadium or something

        • @New_account
          11 year ago

          The specific numbers matter a lot though. If a comprehensive transit system is only 15% of the cost of a stadium, the transit system is a no brainer. In reality, that $150M needs to be more like $100B to be remotely realistic (for context, the 11 station Silver Line extension of the DC Metro deep in the Virginia suburbs cost roughly $7B). Doing some super quick back-of-the-napkin math to extrapolate that cost for 11 stations to the total system size of 98 stations, we arrive at $62B for the whole thing if built from scratch today. That $62B is an understatement though because it ignores that construction costs in DC proper will be higher than for the Silver Line extension that ran in the median of a highway in the suburbs.

          With a realistic estimate for the cost of the transit system, the decision making changes completely. It’s certainly not a no-brainer anymore.

      • Omega
        31 year ago

        Personally, I’d prefer the stadium. But I’m also not a narcissist and I’d vote for the public transportation to help the public good rather than the stadium for my personal enjoyment.

        • @elboyoloco
          41 year ago

          That statement is really bizarre to me. Isn’t the point of voting to vote what you actually want? If you are right and the masses would prefer a transit system… It would win anyway right?

          • @paciencia
            51 year ago

            I think it’s more bizarre to want a private stadium built with tax payer money rather than a functional transit system.

          • Omega
            21 year ago

            I think there’s more to voting than just getting what you want. And I think a lot of minority groups have been negatively impacted by such thinking.

            I can want a new stadium while also recognizing that saddling the 49% of the population who didn’t even want an entertainment building with part of that debt is immoral.

            OTOH, a transit system could be a net positive for the city, even if it wouldn’t help me personally.

  • @Tavarin
    141 year ago

    A transit line in my city has cost over $10 billion and still isn’t done, I don’t think you’re getting much for $150 million.

  • Yutopianist
    111 year ago

    As someone who lives in the United States, it’s really sad how our government chooses to prioritize things that aren’t going to solve the issues we have.

    • @Godnroc
      11 year ago

      Have you tried writing to your local representative and expressing your displeasure?

      • @Asafum
        21 year ago

        Lol I have before. Now I just save time and write the letter and then throw it in the garbage for them. :/

  • Izzy
    31 year ago

    A transit of what? Certainly not anything resembling a train. 😅