Continued support for Kyiv’s war efforts has also become a sticking point in shutdown talks on Capitol Hill.

  • PugJesus
    339 months ago

    A second amendment from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) that would have barred security assistance to Ukraine failed in an even wider 93-339 vote.

    Jesus fucking Christ, 93 is still almost half of the House’s Republicans. Are we really this compromised?

    • @ViewSonik
      229 months ago

      Yes. Biggest threat to USA.

    • snooggums
      99 months ago

      I should be apparent that the entire Republican party is either on the KGB payroll or is complicit. There is no way that they can claim to be ignorant.

    • @niktemadur
      59 months ago

      And yet there’s still millions who sit on their oh-so-pure lazy asses on Election Day, fondling their purity then lovingly sniffing their fingers, mesmerized by the divide-and-conquer propaganda of “Don’t look over there! Look over here! See? bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe! LoL aMiRiTe?”

      • PugJesus
        39 months ago

        Man, I hate that shit. It’s like… I have so many fucking ideological and moral problems with the Dems. I can go on all day.


        I can also name numerous Dem-led initiatives without which either me or people I know and care about would be quite literally dead. Dead. D E A D. Not to mention the suffering alleviated for us.

        Would it be great if Dems weren’t a bunch of spineless civility-politics milquetoast moderates more interested in keeping the status quo than improving society? Yes, definitely. Does that make them the same as the literal fucking fascists who want large swathes of the population to die, go into debt/wage slavery, and abandon all the ideals America was (however imperfectly) founded upon? Fuck no.

    • @Burn_The_Right
      29 months ago

      Apparently, Russia couldn’t afford more than 93 conservatives.

      • PugJesus
        19 months ago

        Might be that only 93 are dumb enough to make a pointless vote showing their allegiances. Congressional votes are rarely in question unless they’re very close; parties communicate and coordinate for that very reason.

  • @RestrictedAccount
    209 months ago

    If everything they do just so happens to turn out to be pro-Russian, can we just stop with the bullshit and start calling them pro-Russian?

  • @[email protected]
    119 months ago

    Not surprising that the Republicans on the Kremlin’s payroll would try to stop aid for Ukraine defending itself.