So he finally admits the January 6th criminals are criminals?

  • @kescusay
    871 year ago

    Shut the fuck up, Donny. You’re out of your element.

  • Rottcodd
    1 year ago

    Yes - he must face whatever penalties are appropriate and justified.

    Exactly as the Jan. 6 participants and organizers must face whatever penalties are appropriate and justifed.

    Pleased (if surprised) to see that we’re in agreement on that, Donny.

  • @[email protected]
    601 year ago

    So a guy with 91 charges has an opinion on the law? Let the penalty suit the crime. Its a misdemeanor. Let Jeffries chew his ass and be done with it on the congressional end.

    • ripcord
      131 year ago

      Let Jeffries chew his ass and be done with it

      I feel like you out an important word.

      • eric
        1 year ago

        Whether chewing or eating, following it with “out” definitely changes the implied meaning.

  • ZeroCool
    541 year ago

    Trump and the GOP’s desperation to try to equate everything to Trump’s insurrection is as transparent as it is pathetic and ineffectual.

    • Flying SquidOP
      291 year ago

      Yeah, but isn’t this saying the people on January 6th are criminals? I mean he’s probably too stupid to realize it, but isn’t that what he’s saying?

      • eric
        1 year ago

        Kinda but not really. He’s saying IF they’re criminals, Bowman is also just as bad of a criminal.

        It’s like the child that gets in trouble for something serious, so they tell on their sibling for something much more benign and demand they get the same punishment. They aren’t admitting guilt, just making a false equivalence because misery loves company.

      • @grabyourmotherskeys
        41 year ago

        I think it’s dangerous to think of him as stupid. He’s undoubtedly stupid. But he’s also cunning in the same way a raccoon is. It’s not raw intelligence, it’s some kind of freak skill at saying what others want to hear. And his reward isn’t getting into a garbage can in an alley, it’s attention. He loves it.

        So thinking of him as stupid is dangerous. Because when he gets attention, there’s a segment that want that same attention and get it by being more extreme and acting. Something Trump can’t do on his own (again, too stupid, lazy, and incompetent) but he can make others do his bidding.

        And there’s something about that ignorant, blind grasping for negative attention torn from a toddlers playbook but fueled by shitty beer, childhood trauma, and macho bravado mistaken for actual motivation that can be deadly.

    • @Synthead
      111 year ago

      False equivalence fallacy.

    • @Jerkface
      71 year ago

      It’s hypernormalizing and unfortunately it’s been pretty effective.

    • TechyDad
      31 year ago

      While at the same time trying to pretend that the insurrectionists were just “peaceful tourists who have been railroaded by evil Democrats.”

  • @ViewSonik
    411 year ago

    The longer he stays out of prison, the more crimes he’ll commit.

  • @_sideffect
    291 year ago

    Jamaal just has to do what every other maga-repub would do…say he did it for a completely different reason

    “I smelled smoke!”

    There, problem solved

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      “I smelled smoke!”

      The smoke his Republican colleagues blew up Trump’s ass, that is.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    1 year ago

    Classic CONservative.

    “Jan 6th was a tourist visit”

    “Jail fire-alarm-puller for the same crimes as Jan 6th insurrection”

  • @dragonflyteaparty
    191 year ago

    “And fellow New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican, said on X that she’ll introduce a resolution to expel Bowman from the House over the incident. “This is the United States Congress, not a New York City high school. This action warrants expulsion & I’m introducing a resolution to do just that,” she wrote.”

    Hold up. So pulling a fire alarm is worthy of being kicked out of Congress, but repeatedly showing porn to Congress is fine. Huh…

  • Veraticus
    1 year ago

    Conservatives create horrible situations that require desperate solutions.

    People employ desperate solutions.

    Conservatives blame them for being forced into desperate solutions.

  • lettruthout
    151 year ago

    I don’t know whether to downvote this so as not to further broadcast Trump’s lunacy, or upvote it to remind others of Trump’s lunacy.

    • Flying SquidOP
      281 year ago

      Ignore your opposition at your peril. Mock him all you can.

      • lettruthout
        121 year ago

        Good idea. How about this… “So Trump agrees that he should be prosecuted for Jan. 6th?”

        • Flying SquidOP
          71 year ago

          That really does seem to be what he’s implying. I don’t think he realizes it though.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    My favorite part about this whole scandal is how republicans for once have evidence (the photo/video) for something they are complaining about, so it is everywhere!

    But the fact that all that other proof about much more serious things is still “coming soon” doesn’t register as odd with their supporters…

  • Nougat
    61 year ago

    Bowman set off a public uproar on Saturday when he triggered the fire alarm on a door at the the Cannon House Office while his fellow Democrats were trying to delay the vote for the bill to avert a government shutdown. The congressman admitted to activating the alarm, but denied trying to delay the vote, saying he was “mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused.”

    Bowman is facing an investigation over the incident while conservatives are moving to have him censured or expelled from Congress.

    I’m not saying Bowman should be put in prison, but come on, man. We all know what fire alarms look like. They’re red, and they say “FIRE” on them in big white letters. Investigation is appropriate.

      • @There1snospoon7491
        11 year ago

        Until you’re stupid enough to pull a fire alarm in the middle of a high stakes congressional session.

        He either delayed a vote intentionally, or is a dumbass. Neither have place in Congress. And I am a democratic voter.

  • @Touching_Grass
    41 year ago

    Is pulling the fire alarm a fine or jail? Should definitely get the maximum penalty whatever it was. I can agree with trump in that he should be punished. Both of them

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      141 year ago

      AFAIK he did it so the senate could actually read the bill they’re voting on. By delaying the vote he gave them at least some time to know what they were signing.