Oh, FFS, “liberal media”, stop calling the pre-planned insurrection riots.
My favorite was during the event people were essentially calling it anything other than what it was, with some going as far as to call it a gathering 💀
LiBrUl MeDiA! Hur dur dur.
Why don’t you just stop?
It pretty clear that he meant the media isn’t liberal. They aren’t calling it an insurrection. They are clearly siding with the fascists.
My mistake, then.
Do you not understand what " " are?
That’s one way to avoid being woke, I guess.
Wow. That was good!
It makes it sound like he got knocked out trying to sneak back into his house without feds seeing…
My headcanon has a mysterious hero knocking out this villain and leaving him for the cops to find.
Maybe he got Saddam Hussein’d?
My guess, drugs or alcohol.
I never did determine the cause of this fugitive being unconscious.