• @[email protected]
      148 months ago

      conservatives are now the obstructionist party, right?

      Only now? It’s has been their modus operandi for at least a decade…

    • @Twentytwodividedby7
      138 months ago

      Just now? They’ve been obstructionist to change since Strom Thurman turned the Dixiecrats red following the Civil Rights Act passage

    • @BitingChaos
      88 months ago

      Gaslight, Obstruct, Project

      They’ve been know as the party of obstruction for a long, long time.

    • @Kage520
      28 months ago

      I swear I’ve read this entire comment chain during whatever the last GOP debacle was

  • @NotMyOldRedditName
    418 months ago

    Let’s say he fends off this attack and keeps his seat.

    What’s to stop Gaetz from just doing it again over and over and stall things like that cuck in the senate is blocking group military nominations

    • worldwidewave
      8 months ago

      If he becomes speaker again by making the same stupid deal that any one person can oust him, we’re basically guaranteeing this will happen again. But that was not a normal thing in the house prior to Kevin’s desperate plea to get the job

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        48 months ago

        Oh right, he’d have to make that exact same deal again which I can’t imagine he’d do again.

        • worldwidewave
          8 months ago

          He wants the job badly enough, I can see him making this same power-in-name-only deal.

  • @[email protected]
    328 months ago

    Never let a good crisis go to waste. The Dems should seek concessions in exchange for propping up the McCarthy speakership. Unfortunately, if you can count on one thing it’s that the Dems will find a way to fuck it up.

    • roguetrick
      118 months ago

      The concessions they’ll get is to not shut down the government. That’s it.

  • @[email protected]
    268 months ago

    Love that to get anything done we have to appease a child sex trafficker. What a wonderful government, I don’t want to drop out of society at all because of this shit.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Don’t worry he’ll be the governor of Florida within 2 years, so he’ll be out of the senate real soon!

  • athos77
    168 months ago

    There were rumors that they were going to use an upcoming ethics report to kick Gaetz out of Congress. Anyone know when that’s supposed to come out?

    • @baldingpudenda
      148 months ago

      I think they’re fed up with Mccarthy giving gaetz as much as they can and gaetz refusing to budge. Didling kids, fraud, or whatever shit he’s done isn’t that big of a deal to Reps, but they can’t have their own forcing them to negotiate with dems to run the Gov’t.

    • jerome
      98 months ago

      It happened to me right in front of my face and I just cannot hide it

  • catsarebadpeople
    108 months ago

    No way McCarthy hasn’t already talked to the same Dems who voted for keeping the govt open to keep him in his seat. This is really good honestly. If he stays in with help from the left then the whole system just moves left. Not enough but it’s a start

    • @Chocrates
      38 months ago

      Democrats need to demand concessions in writing for any help they give to McCarthy to save him the crazies.

      • catsarebadpeople
        18 months ago

        Agreed. I’m happy they actually held out this time but they need to really put the screws to the clown show that is the current GOP. It seems like there is a lot of leverage not being used

  • @ashok36
    8 months ago

    I believe this is orchestrated by Trump.

    If I was super conspiracy minded I would posit that Gaetz will try to have Trump installed as speaker of the house and then some ‘lone wolf’ types will try to assassinate Biden and Harris at the same time, installing Trump as president followed by martial law, cancelling of elections, the works.

    I’m probably listening to too much Knowledge Fight.

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    Is anyone else nervous about the ramifications of this? Republicans had a tough enough time electing McCarthy. I can’t imagine things are going to be less divisive, and we only have like 40 something days to avoid the shutdown.

    • @givesomefucks
      128 months ago

      Republicans have to cross party lines for a speaker…

      What that should mean is a moderate (conservative fiscal, no desire to change socially) Dem becoming speaker, instead it’ll likely be someone exactly like McCarthy from the Republican party getting D votes.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        If it’s gonna be a D, it’s gonna be Jeffries.

        He was taught by Pelosi, I’m sure he has that caucus all knotted up.

        • @givesomefucks
          98 months ago

          Yeah, it should be Jeffries, that’s what I said.

          But I think instead of finding the 6 votes he needs for himself, he’ll immediately conceded to finding 12 Dems to elect a Republican after the 15 rabble rousers refuse to vote with their party.

          Like you said, Jeffries was taught be Pelosi. And he’ll do what she’d have done…

            • Billiam
              108 months ago

              Even if Jeffries because Speaker, the GOP would still be the majority party. The House would still be dysfunctional, but the GOP would use the Black Democrat for their talking heads as the scapegoat. It’s better to keep a Repub as Speaker because it keeps their idiocy and ineptitude front and center.

              Better to give them a rope to hang themselves, than give them ammunition to attack you with.

          • @[email protected]
            -28 months ago

            I don’t see Pelosi doing that. I think she’d watch him swing.

            But she’s still there giving advice, so whatever they end up doing is gonna have the sign off from her. We’ll know soon enough.

      • Prox
        38 months ago

        Why would any Dem vote for a Rep?

        Honest question, as I truly have no clue.

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          They put off a shutdown for 45 days, so there’s going to need to be bipartisan support in November guaranteed. If Dems help keep McCarthy as speaker, then they can bargain for a better deal on the upcoming vote. It’s clear McCarthy can’t rely on the bat shit crazy Republicans, so he needs the Democrats.

          The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

          • Prox
            78 months ago

            I get that on the surface, but we all know McCarthy cannot be trusted to keep his word on any deal.

        • @givesomefucks
          58 months ago

          Because Gaetz and the other 14 make unrealistic demands the rest won’t go along with.

          If neither side budges, then the only way we get a speaker is cross party votes.

          It should be Rs voting D, but instead I expect Dem leadership to try and round up enough Ds to vote an R into power.

  • Neato
    58 months ago

    Do leftists want McCarthy out? I thought at this point he was beholden to Democrats enough he might actually try to temper the traitors and bigots in the Republican party.

    • @Invertedouroboros
      178 months ago

      If McCarthy survives with democrats help than I think it solidifies the idea of an intraparty split between what used to be called establishment republicans and the hard right. For my part I think the republican party is causing real and actual harm to the nation and to the world at large. If this breaks their coalition and gets them to fight amongst themselves then great. Aside from that I don’t really care all that much.

      • Brkdncr
        18 months ago

        It would only take a few republicans to give the gavel to the dems and end this shitshow. Why should the dems concede here at all?

        • BraveSirZaphod
          18 months ago

          Because the existence of those few Republicans is not particularly likely, and those Representatives would be commiting political suicide by doing so.

          • @Invertedouroboros
            18 months ago

            Plus, would the rule remain that it only takes one house member to initiate a vote to expel the speaker? If so then that’s all they’d be doing. I mean I’d say fuck it, if yall can swing it give a shot, I just think that dems fucking with the republicans heads by backing McCarthy is more likely.

    • ares35
      18 months ago

      it’s the traitors and bigots in the house that have mccarthy over a barrel, and he’s proven to be unreliable in deals with democrats. his grasp on the gavel is likely over unless the democrats screw it up and enough of them accept quickly-forgotten deals to keep him in his leadership position.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    08 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Gaetz and a handful of hard-right Republicans have repeatedly threatened to go after McCarthy’s speakership if he relied on Democratic votes to pass any spending legislation, which happened Saturday after McCarthy could not get a majority of Republicans to support various proposals to fund the government with only GOP votes.

    McCarthy agreed to lowering the threshold for bringing the motion to win over enough support to become speaker in January.

    “It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden feeble while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money,” Gaetz said.

    "Members of the Republican Party might vote differently on a motion to vacate if they heard what the speaker had to share with us about his secret side deal with Joe Biden on Ukraine.

    If McCarthy is successfully removed, both Democrats and Republicans worry they will be in a speakership election fight that could drag on for days, blunting progress on passing full year appropriation bills before government funding runs out in mid-November.

    ), in a note to Democrats Sunday told them to be ready for a motion to oust McCarthy as speaker “at any time, including Monday.” She did not indicate any preference in how to vote, adding that “we will have a Caucus wide discussion on how to address the motion to best meet the needs of the American people.”

    The original article contains 425 words, the summary contains 229 words. Saved 46%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!