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Interesting interview - it is incredibly spicy at points. Both of them lost their cool at several points here and I don’t think either of them come out sounding good.
For what it’s worth I think Hallam’s spiel about acting emotionally instead of using critical thinking sounds pretty suspect but clearly he’s found this an effective line to take when campaigning.
I went into the interview with a good degree of sympathy for XR. Came out with less. I found Hallam insufferable, existential crisis not withstanding.
Nick definitely seems to be struggling lol
This part where Hallam threatens to put Robinson on trial for “treason” after the revolutions happens is particularly sinister. It was a bizarre piece of radio. Reminds me of Trump fans wanting to lock up Hilary.
Haven’t listened but I don’t know, Robinson is an awful little wank and people like him in the media have played a big role in legitimising poisonous ideas from climate change to capitalism to war. We’re living through a climate crisis, I don’t see why very senior people in politics like him shouldn’t be threatened with prosecution
I agree that Robinson is a bit greasy but threatening retribution once a revolution happens has echoes of “Come the revolution, you’ll be first against the wall”. Threats in general cheapen our political discourse.
Tbf I’m not sure Robinson is guilty of “treason” either, I just want to say I don’t think it should be so far-fetched for people who have a lot of influence to be prosecuted for their actions later if they’ve crossed a threshold. Tony Blair taking us to war, Rishi Sunak approving more oil extraction etc in the middle of a climate crisis - absolutely I want to see these people prosecuted.
Nick Robinson cheapens our political discourse
people like him in the media have played a big role in legitimising poisonous ideas from climate change to capitalism to war.
I love the “people like him” accusation, without any specifics.
I don’t see why very senior people in politics like him shouldn’t be threatened with prosecution
He’s a journalist.
Yes he’s a journalist, a journalist of politics. He has held and still holds very senior roles in political reporting, and with it significant influence on the political conversation of this country, much more than the average person. He’s not a politician but he is in politics.
OK can you expand on that a little? Are you saying that, as a matter of principle, journalists should be threatened with prosecution if they don’t agree with your politics?
Sorry I’m just not quite clear what the underlying principle is of what you’re saying.
I’m not and frankly I don’t think you’ve posted this in good faith
What’s with everyone saying, “you’re not posting in good faith” when they want to avoid explaining their comments?
Anyway, that’s cool, I just wanted to understand your reasoning a little more bit but if you don’t want to engage that’s also fine.
Have a good one 👍.
Just got around to listening to this, and wow! This guy is absolutely wild. I’m less than ten minutes in and Hallam sounds like a petulant partner trying to have a fight with the interviewer.
Hallam: When I tell you that a thousand million people will be killed by rich people you should have a reaction.
Robinson: OK that’s interesting let’s dig into what reaction you want people to have.
Hallam: I can’t believe you just said, you should know the correct answer and the fact that you don’t tells me you don’t love me.
I’ve got another twenty minutes now how much worse is it going to get?
Oh he’s one of those I don’t like your question therefore it’s a bad faith question types.
Even when Nick tries to complement his efforts in getting the government to declare a climate emergency he calls it “a mind bendingly stupid question”. What is he on?
Actually do you know what this interview reminds me of? Anytime Tommy Robinson is interviewed. The same style of shrugging off the question, attacking the interviewer, meandering off on tangents, calling the government “the elites”. It’s the same play book. Frightening.
Just got to the part where he threatens to jail Nick Robinson unless he cooperates. Fucking wild! I can’t believe I’m hearing this.
He doesn’t like that question on why his daughter left XR. He wants to call out journalists but doesn’t want to be scrutinised himself. Again, Tommy Robinson playbook.
Got to the end. That was insane. I’ve been listening to Political Thinking since the beginning and have never heard anything like that.