Employees at an Indiana Hardee’s took photos of drive-thru customers debit and credit cards and then used them to deposit money into the accounts of inmates.

  • @givesomefucks
    368 months ago

    When people are stressed for long periods of time, they lose the ability to plan ahead. You literally can only worry about the present.

    The result is crimes like this people read about and say “how can they be so stupid they didn’t think they’d get caught”.

    It worked in the moment, and a month later to someone with this much stress is a lifetime away.

    This effect is responsible for a lot of our crime. And we can get rid of it by actually having a safety net so people don’t get in the trap of only worrying about today.

  • Drusas
    198 months ago

    Jesus, why do so many employees at a single Hardee’s location know so many people in prison?

    • @jaybone
      48 months ago

      I’m guessing one or two of them had connections to the inmates they used in the scam, and then recruited fellow employees into the scam.

    • PlasterAnalyst
      38 months ago

      It’s Indiana, the police have too much funding, so they have go out of their way to justify it by arresting as many people as possible.

    • MelodiousFunk
      158 months ago

      To keep the poors from using their lack of wealth to flee from prosecution.

      • Neato
        98 months ago

        To keep workers in jail so even the threat of unjust prosecution ruins their lives. Miss work for a week because police arrested you for no reason? Likely fired. A month or three awaiting trial? Bye house.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      28 months ago

      Most states are going to wait and see how it goes in Illinois. They got rid of bail last month I believe. Once a good system is set up, the states that care about their people will move to that. Others…

  • @Kengaro0
    58 months ago

    I hope there’s an Arby’s crew working on their bail right now.

  • The Pantser
    28 months ago

    They all look like they have done hard time already, maybe this wasn’t their first rodeo.