The following activities:

  • Visiting a new place, making new encounters and otherwise having a memorable day
  • Kissing a girl you I never kissed before
  • yeah orgasm too

All produce kinda the same feeling of drinking a glass of fresh, delicious water on a long, hot day

I had this feeling so many times, and wondering how many people think the same?

Some other clues which indicates I am not totally insane

  • in english, men are “thirsty”
  • in french, women are “fresh”
  • … ?
  • Rhynoplaz
    1 year ago

    Either I need to get better water, or you need to get better sex.

    • CuteCatBeingEatenByHaitianOP
      1 year ago

      Nah but the orgasm is like the bestest ever water in the Universe you could ever have for the next humm 2.7 seconds

      The second later I am totally OK to listen to radio podcast about yearly budget projections somewhere in Zimbabwe. Also kinda embarrassed for being naked, dick out

  • @hperrin
    91 year ago

    You sound like you’re really into water. Don’t get me wrong, water is great, but you sound like you’re really into water.

  • @Candelestine
    81 year ago

    A vocabulary word that captures most of this, that you might be looking for, is catharsis. Another very random, very small-scale example would be the moment the beat drops in a dubstep song or something.

      • @Candelestine
        21 year ago

        Yeah, it’s common in film too. Take the LotR trilogy. It has this long, powerful climax that takes like an hour, and lets be real here, it’s one of the most epic climaxes anyone has ever come up with. Shakespeare did no better.

        Probably starts around the charge of Rohan and goes all the way until the ring falls in, just constantly bumping back and forth from despair to triumph in this earthquake of a stretch of film. It’s just one big climax for the whole trilogy.

        But then, its famous for having like a shitload of endings. It feels this way because these are all individual moments of pretty heavy catharsis, and we’re used to those ending the story. But just like he gave us an hour of climax, he gives like 45 minutes of repeated aftershocks of catharsis.

        People seldom complain seriously about it because the whole thing was such a wild ride, but every once in awhile someone jokes about it.