A ruling prohibiting the enforcement of a new Florida law targeting drag shows will stay in place for the time being, according to a federal appeals court decision.

A panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday upheld a lower court’s granting of a preliminary injunction stopping the law from being enforced until a trial is held in Orlando, Florida to determine its constitutionality.

In their appeal, attorneys for the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation had asked that the injunction only apply to the business that had challenged the law, saying that the judge’s injunction “sweeps beyond Plaintiff to nonparties who may wish to expose children to live obscene performances in violation of the statute.”

    • @0110010001100010
      1 year ago

      Just like anything else, GOP always looking for a bogyman to blame problems on and deflect from the fact that it’s fucking them. Gays, trans, minorities, immigrants, etc. Just depends on the era.

  • @Bonesince1997
    201 year ago

    A setback for Florida Nazis, I’m sure. But those Republicans keep trying!

    • SeaJ
      71 year ago

      They got the headlines. They do not give a shit if it sticks.

      • @radix
        91 year ago

        They hope it doesn’t. Then they get to complain about the “woke liberal” courts on top of everything else, and the culture war is extended even further. It’s not about the agenda, it’s about creating boogymen to fight.

  • @cabron_offsets
    81 year ago

    Look, I’m not a fan of drag & shit. But this is not anyone’s fucking business and this Republican bullshit isn’t fucking helping anything.

  • Jessica
    -11 year ago

    It’s hard to square articles that suggest that so many voters are in favor of pro-LGBTQ+ laws, against a backdrop of laws that criminalize existing as an LGBTQ+ person. Where are these voters at? How about all of the corporations that bastardize pride? That’s right; inconvenience.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Gerrymandering to make those large blocks of voters unable to vote in significant amounts of officials + officials willing to just fly against the will of the people who voted them in anyway are major factors here too