• @[email protected]
    399 months ago

    I will wait until the GitLab has the apk. For one, it feels sus but being Rossmann, i will look the other way. The second issue is that I will not manualy check for updates every app I have on my phone and this app need to be compatible with Obtainium or on F-droid.

  • @[email protected]
    319 months ago

    Logs are disabled by default in the version I just tried. I like that.

    Otherwise, it basically does what Newpipe does, but supports more platforms, which is really nice.

    The videos I’ve tried loaded quickly, adding new platforms to the feed loads almost instantly, so very performant, all things considered.

    As far as I understand it, you can pay for a license, but you don’t have to?

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      As far as I understand it, you can pay for a license, but you don’t have to?

      Exactly. Louis Rossman says that if you use it and don’t pay, that’s “between you and your god”.

        • Amju Wolf
          -19 months ago

          He had a sound reason why that’s not the case, and that’s to keep control over what people do to it. Namely they want to prevent redistribution with added trackers/ads/malware.

            • @[email protected]
              109 months ago

              no need for that! people can just take an apk and slap ads or malware on top. they do it all the time with fake candy crush apks. So I’m pretty sure they won’t care about this license.

              I think that in this case it’s just a excuse so no one is redistributing the app and they can make money from it.

            • @helpImTrappedOnline
              49 months ago

              No, but it gives them the legal avenue to go after malicious clones.

        • @[email protected]
          -19 months ago

          Ok, then you can think of the world where no one pays for any OSS and developers still need to pay rent.

          Don’t feel bullied if you can’t afford it, but if you use it, you can afford the 5(?) bucks and you don’t pay for it: that is kind of considered a dick move.

          • @[email protected]
            59 months ago

            Yes, same as guilt tripping users by calling up on their religion. I’m not going to use it, I haven’t even seen a screenshot of it. It was a sarcastic comment. I’m fine with newpipe FOSS project.

              • @[email protected]
                59 months ago

                it’s meant to make you feel bad as if god is going to judge you if you don’t pay. It’s what religion has been doing for generations.

                “if you come to church and don’t tithe, it’s between you and god”

                See how that has made pastors very rich? if you can’t see that, honestly, good for you…

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  Yeah, that’s not what he meant, though. It is clearly not meant as a serious “your yod is going to judge you”, but rather “I’m counting on the honor system and if you abuse my trust, you’re probably a dick, but I can’t do anything about it”.

                  Stop thinking being an atheist is a substitute for an actual personality.

      • DefinitelyNotAPenguin
        149 months ago

        No cause they want to be able to prevent people from adding ads and tracking to the app and then redistributing it.

        He talks about this in the announcement video.

        • @[email protected]
          79 months ago

          I saw the video. Is that really against the FOSS philosophy? I imagine that you can’t do that with e.g. the kernel either.

          The licencing they chose is a bit of a hack job, but I see the necessity. IMHO, it’s clear that they want to advance the libre software world.

          • @[email protected]
            189 months ago

            It’s not Libre software. It’s source available, which is great for a commercial product, allowing people to compile it themselves, but the license is revocable at any time.

            It’s not contributing to the open source ecosystem, so it’s not part of the libre environment.

            It’s a good thing, I’m glad it exists, and I’m excited to see it spur libre development in the same vein. But it is not open source as the term is commonly used.

          • Amju Wolf
            19 months ago

            The difference with Linux kernel is that it’s way more complicated to persuade someone who just likes the idea of it to install it, so there’s really no protection needed - if you’re installing a custom kernel (or more likely, a whole OS using that kernel) you probably know enough not to end up downloading malware.

            That’s not so true about just providing “random” APKs.

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              no need for a restrictive license! people can just take an apk and slap ads or malware on top. they do it all the time with fake candy crush apks. So I’m pretty sure they won’t care about this license.

              I think that in the license is just a excuse so no one is redistributing the app and they can make money from it.

              • @[email protected]
                29 months ago

                I don’t claim to know what their true intentions are. But if you want your APK with additional malware removed from any appstore, it for sure helps to have terms which don’t allow ppl to do so.

                There is nothing wrong about wanting to earn money, but their approach is the weakest. I did not even see a dialogue asking me for money yet.

    • @AsudoxOP
      19 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    I think it’s a good idea, I’m glad they made it, and if it takes off then I look forward to new pipe or free tube incorporating the same functionality into a open source project.

  • Fake4000
    69 months ago

    It’s a good start for a Revanced alternative.

    We have Newpipe and Libretube for complete local video management but it’s nice to have an additional one to Revanced. Whether it picks up and becomes big that remains to be seen.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      It does a combined creator feed. So if you subscribe to a Patreon or whatever it can be on your feed with their normal free stuff.

      That’s what I got from the website. Looks cool but I’m on iOS.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Aggregates video on many platforms into a single search and feed, so Twitter YouTube and Facebook for example are all in the same app

  • @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    I’m excited about it but sadly it would not install on my phone. It’s early still, so I’ll give it another try in a couple of weeks. I generally only watch youtube despite having accounts on other platforms. I think an app like this that seamlessly unifies everything into one place will expose me to more content that I’ve been missing out on. Hopefully once it’s working well enough they’ll make a windows version. I’m loving FreeTube but again, it’s only one platform.