• @[email protected]
    731 year ago

    If I could push a button to change my sex I absolutely would, but I don’t have it in me to transition on the outside and deal with the societal consequences. So I just stick with androgyny as “close enough”.

    • @[email protected]
      361 year ago

      I’m with you there, though I would push that button like every other day. I like being a guy, and I think I would like being a girl about half the time, though ideally I’d control two bodies simultaneously all the time.

    • Franzia
      41 year ago

      This sounds like boymoding. Is it the same thing?

        • Franzia
          131 year ago

          It’s like when you are trans MtF, transitioning, but stay closeted and dressing like a male and going by male pronouns… Even while bodily changes take place. The idea being you can one day wake up and put on a dress and you’ll just be a girl and you can come out of the closet to… People who had the opportunity to notice these changes in you for a long time.

  • @Sylver
    391 year ago

    Sometimes I think it’s just me wanting to be hot and sexy. And, well, I think goth girls are hot and sexy.

  • Tywèle [she|her]
    171 year ago

    That was me for soo long! I’m glad I finally came out to family and friends. And so far everyone reacted positive!

  • Franzia
    151 year ago

    I’ve had this conversation! This is where a lot of tranaphobia came out of me. Like “yeah I wanna be a girl, but not trans - trans people are freaks. I’m not like them.” Fortunately, trans people have very good representation now.

    I was really lucky to have met so many great trans people at the perfect times… And it didn’t change much for me. It was, and still is, about accepting myself. So many conversations about it, yet none led to me doing anything about knowing I’m trans.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I think I’m still trying to get past some of that myself to some extent… I was into alternate universe stuff when I was like 14 or 15, and just randomly one day I thought of the universe where I was a girl and I came to the conclusion that I would be happier and more attractive in that universe… unfortunately I hadn’t had any exposure to trans people outside of the mockery present in pop culture, so I forgot about it and a few years later started accepting trans people (except I was always confused by trans men for some reason…). Then at the start of this year, after already questioning my gender for about another year, I remembered that conclusion…

      • Franzia
        411 months ago

        Omg congrats 🥰 I similarly came to egg conclusions as a teen and then sort of shelved it because people were vehemently opposed to what I was trying to express. I’m 26 now 😋 and now I’m 100x more annoying and stubborn, so its the perfect time to transition.