With advancements and technology they should be much less faster than the N64, but the loading times are just horrible, sometimes even worse than the ps5. What gives?

Edit: this is not hate per say, this is confusion and a little annoyance

  • @Eldritch
    1311 months ago

    The old cartridges held the data uncompressed. In read only memory that slotted directly into the system bus. There was no loading the game after pushing the cartridge in.

    Modern systems have data with multiple compression formats. Held in hierarchical file systems accessed through separate devices on the system bus. That don’t have the speed or latency of system memory. And even compressed modern games still take up to 3 million times more space than old cartridge games.

  • @EvilBit
    611 months ago

    Simple version: it’s not actually “loading” anymore. It’s loading (pretty fast), decompressing (not very fast), and in many cases precomputing (potentially very slow). Current cartridges are storage for the same kind of data that was found on CDs and other media, just in solid state form.

    OG cartridges, as was pointed out by someone else, were not doing any of those things. They weren’t even always exactly just storage, they were basically a black-box addition to the logic board. In fact, some cartridge games included entire additional processors that were looped into the logic to provide additional processing power for graphics or audio. That’s what Super FX on the Super Nintendo was: a math coprocessor in the cartridge that helped handle 3D graphics.

  • @Aloha_Alaska
    311 months ago

    I’ve often wondered that as well. I can copy a file the size of an entire game cartridge across my home LAN in the time it takes some games to load the welcome screen.

    • @crashoverrideOP
      211 months ago

      The last truly next gen console Nintendo made was the N64. They’ve been stagnant for decades now.

      • @Stickykitty
        311 months ago

        Nintendo never wanted to be bleeding edge, they even openly state that they like using older cheap hardware

        • @crashoverrideOP
          011 months ago

          And that’s ok, but you’d think they would be in the 4k space by now

          • @Alexstarfire
            311 months ago

            This sentence seems contradictory. The PS5 and latest Xbox don’t even run at 4k for most games. Why would you expect something with older hardware to be able to do it?

            • @crashoverrideOP
              111 months ago

              When Nintendo came out with the OLED model, we all figured I’d come with a resolution and quality upgrade too, but then they said I’d only be the screen that’s better and nothing else well, that’s another flop. Most people will still play this on a TV and still look like a Wii u

              • @Alexstarfire
                211 months ago

                I can’t speak for the OLED model but the Switch has outsold both the PS5 and Xbox. Hardly a flop. Guess people don’t care as much about graphics as you think they do.

                • @crashoverrideOP
                  111 months ago

                  I wasn’t calling the console itself a flop, hell I bought one, I was saying flop that the newer model did not increase resolution or picture quality at all, that was the flop

              • rafoix
                111 months ago

                I don’t think you know what the word “flop” means.

                I wish I could flop the same way the OLED Switch flopped.

              • kaiomai
                11 months ago

                that’s another flop

                You are ignorant or dishonest. As of today, 7 Nov 2023, The Switch has sold 132 million units. What a flop.