Ok let me take some time out of my busy schedule to explain why your culling idea won’t work.
reduz handled that very classily, I don’t think I would have found such rational words.
It’s funny, reading this I thought the first comment was reduz. He seems to have gotten a lot of communications training in the last 5 years or so, because he used to be a total ass and a reply like that would have thrown him into a fit where he starts bragging about how many contributors he has.
I’m surprised at how well he handled this.
Oh, really? I never got to see that side of him thankfully). I don’t think he got any particular training though. He must’ve gotten the worlds filteres from amon his peers in the foundation. It’s a community effort in the end anyway.
@tuto193 even if that dude was 100% correct, I wouldn’t take his advice
Indeed. I also caught his personal gist with that last comment, and there seems to be lots of circle-jerking. I’m happy this community is not toxic (as far as I’ve experienced).
Two intelligent individuals. However, the first one is a dick. Shame he’s not using his powers for good.
The material is way above my head as I’ve hardly done game dev, let alone low level graphics, but that’s still some genuine talent in being a real twat for no reason.
Well that got me convinced!
At least it’s not Greg Tech levels of sass!
Greg Tech?
@tuto193 fun read :)