• @[email protected]
    468 months ago

    Please do not solicit medical advice from the internet. If you are concerned, go to a minute-clinic or other doc-in-a-box. It’s much cheaper than the ER, and they’ll tell you if there’s anything to worry about.

  • @Mantiz_Shrimp
    208 months ago

    OP, please go see a medical professional. My Mom ignored a similar problem for 3 months and it ended up being a rare type of appendix cancer. The three months was just long enough for it to go stage 4 and become inoperable. Just go and know for sure.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      38 months ago

      If I cant flush it out by tomorrow morning I will

  • @Saraphim
    8 months ago

    Please listen to me - stomach distension should ALWAYS be checked by a medical professional. One of my kids had slightly distended stomach which we attributed to a big rib cage and still needing to grow into his bigger frame.

    It was a mature teratoma weighing over 20lbs

    He had a physical with no issues just three days before we visited the ER for stomach pain. ER found it immediately when they noted the stomach distension during his exam and did scans to find out why.

    Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s gas. But also maybe you devoured your twin in the womb and he’s back for revenge.

    Please see a doctor and ask for an ultrasound at the very least.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      8 months ago

      I asked my pharmacist and I decided on/did 1) miralax + 2) mineral oil + 3) glass of magnesium citrate Calm sleep stuff Im about to down + 4) I might mix in some of that bulk fibre stuff in the orange container into my ginger ale

      Edit: It won’t be long now

  • @cheese_greaterOP
    8 months ago

    If Infully relax and don’t force it I literally look a small malnourished pregant woman or someone pregnant in a beachball-esque way. What the fuck

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      Visceral fat can cause this (especially in men), but it’s usually a side-effect of being overweight and it sounds like you describe yourself as looking ‘malnourished’. https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-visceral-fat

      There is at least one type of malnutrition, “Kwashiorkor”, caused by protein deficiency that can cause something like this also. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23099-kwashiorkor

      But, disclaimer, I am not a doctor, so best advice is to get checked out by your healthcare provider.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Visceral fat builds up slowly over time (years) and the changes can be very subtle and unnoticeable until one day you just notice it.

          For Kwashiorkor - I really don’t know. It’s just something I’d heard of before, so I found a link to a description and dropped the reference. There are probably lots of other things it could be that I just haven’t heard about.

          I, personally, am affected by visceral fat and have been taking steps to lose it and that process is also very slow going, so I currently look like an average guy, but with a pronounced belly. It makes me look like shit in a t-shirt and has caused me to suffer from high blood pressure.

          • @Nindelofocho
            18 months ago

            Im in the process of loosing weight and starting to notice that I have this. Is there something else other than just normal diet and exercise that helps?

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              I’m not aware of anything proven other than diet & exercise. There are a few trending weight-loss drugs hitting the market right now, but from what I’ve seen they are expensive and come with their own side effects…so for me, it’s just doing it the proven old-fashioned way: diet & exercise.

      • @cheese_greaterOP
        28 months ago

        I really wonder if all the scalloped potatoes imI may or may not have consumed in the last like 48-72 hours are bad news bears