Every weekend I play games with my wife and a handful of friends on Saturday night. Same group of 5 of us every time and a handful of others occasionally.

I freeze up though. I can feel my voice reverberating through my head and just cannot speak. This actually happens anytime I’m high, but I mostly notice on discord since I’m not a social smoker.

How do I not be a mute?

  • @sramder
    2211 months ago

    Then why do you smoke? If it’s not helping you be the person you want to be, or at least not in this situation why force yourself?

    Besides, quality not quantity is really the important thing with speech.

    • @[email protected]OP
      211 months ago

      Oh, I enjoy smoking. I like the vibe when I’m playing games and listening to everyone. It’s like a podcast I can interact with. I just don’t know how to make myself talk more.

      I just feel like I get high (heh) anxiety when I’m hearing everyone and not putting in my input. I think a big thing is that I think I’m going to say something stupid

      • @sramder
        311 months ago

        Practice makes… you better slowly. You have to do the thing, then you get the confidence. You’re probably going to get more laughs by saying something stupid, embrace the stoniness, become Mitch Hedberg.

        Don’t say shit for a whole hour, then quietly ask if anyone has snacks.

  • @schmidtster
    1011 months ago

    Has anyone mentioned anything? Maybe it’s all in your head and you are a perfect match for the vibe.

      • @schmidtster
        211 months ago

        There’s some nights when I’m gaming with my brother and basically say nothing but game related chat. Other times we are having a blast reminiscing or something. Vibes different all the time.

  • @xantoxis
    811 months ago

    First of all, 2nd on the comment suggesting you just don’t smoke if you don’t like the experience. But if you enjoy anything about this situation–smoke less. Maybe you just need a puff or two to catch the right vibe. Or try edibles, or just CBD-based products. Point is, either stop doing the thing you don’t like, or do less of it ;-)

  • @Noite_Etion
    711 months ago

    Some people feel pressured to fill silence, often saying nothing is better than talking shit. I’d rather hangout with people who speak when they have something to say rather than people who have nothing to say and won’t shut up.