The United States is warning Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to rein in “extremist” settlers in the West Bank in the wake of reports of violence against Palestinians. “We…

    • @sirboozebum
      2411 months ago

      The right to self defense does not extend to Palestinians illegally forced off their own lands by Israel.

      • @Sparlock
        1511 months ago

        If they had the same rights then Israel would never have been able to be formed. I can’t imagine why Palestinians might be a bit upset.

        • @sirboozebum
          311 months ago

          I’m confused, I thought the rules based international order that the United States and the EU lectures others about would apply here.

    • @gmtom
      011 months ago

      There shouldn’t ba an Israel

  • @generalpotato
    4111 months ago

    US: “Yeah, if you could land grab and displace people without making a massive fuss and killings, that would be super cool…”

    • @[email protected]
      4211 months ago

      All settlers are extremist and the fact they’re called settlers instead of occupiers stealing land is ridiculous

      • @generalpotato
        11 months ago

        Right? The normalization of occupation and stealing land in this day and age… it’s downright insanity.

        And then people wonder why organizations like Hamas exist…

      • @Duamerthrax
        1111 months ago

        Any other context, they’d be call Colonizers.

    • @sirboozebum
      111 months ago

      This is a just a show by the United States.

      It vetoes UN resolutions about settlements in the West Bank.

  • @APassenger
    3711 months ago

    I’m glad this is being said. There are problems all around and fervor seems to be creating large envelopes of “allowed activity” for those who are willing.

    This is a complex situation, but some things are clear. This is one.

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      Yea most Israelis agree it’s fucked too.

      Cops are bastards and let it happen, local troops help.

      One silver lining is the Israeli Left is having a resurgence and there might be a government trying to roll it back and clean up it’s act after this.

      • @sirboozebum
        311 months ago

        Isrealis have repeatedly voted for governments that openly state they want settlement construction to kill any viable Palestinian state (Netanyahu and his far-right pals).

        If the whole of Gaza can be held responsible for voting for Hamas in 2006 (and not once after since Hamas did away with elections), the whole of Isreal can be held accountable.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Yeah except the person you’re responding to probably doesn’t hold all of Gaza responsible for what Hamas has done since being voted into power.

          Also, the Israeli left actually now has their own egotistically altruistic motive to shut down the settler shit, that being that shutting off the valve of right of return and no longer counting the votes of settlers in the west bank gives them an electoral edge.

          And after the shit Bibi’s pulled, you could bet good money that the courts would look the other way on them doing it too since the judges will for a long time see right wing governments as a threat to their judicial autonomy.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          The United States regularly votes for warmongers and theocrats, it doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of Americans who think they’re wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          I don’t think either population is morally responsible for what their so-called leaders do. Subsets of them, sure, but Israelis or Palestinians as a whole? Not a chance. People are not responsible for actions they had no hand in, or which they actively opposed.

          • @sirboozebum
            111 months ago

            I totally agree.

            I’m just following the logic of those who claim the carpet bombing of Gaza is acceptable because the Palestinians once voted for Hamas.

              • @sirboozebum
                211 months ago

                Any before and after photos of entire demolished Gaza neighbourhoods makes it clear what a farce your claim is.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  May you never experience a true carpet bombing.

                  The death toll would be in the 100k+

                  In Dresden in the B link 60k died in one night.

                  Didn’t work for his defense then doesn’t now. It’s the basis of the laws of war and Geneva Conventions.

                  As it turns out a place the size of jersey city with 500km of tunnels is entrenched

                  It’s not a claim it’s a fact that Gaza isn’t being carpet bombed. Overlay the maps of damage from satellite imagery with where tunnels were known to be previously in public knowledge.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Really funny how people down vote you because they believe in collective punishment as long as it’s the side they don’t like.

            Which is the status quo for the region.

            Still doesn’t change the Geneva Conventions definition of a military target.

            Meanwhile over in Pakistan there’s massive protests for Palestine nominally. As they are genociding 1.4 million Afghan refugees. the stated reason is that the refugee population keeps suicide bombing stuff amongst other militant actions. Sound familiar?

    • TechyDad
      911 months ago

      And even this one is complex. A lot of the support for the settlers comes from American evangelical Christians. They believe that Jesus will come back under two conditions.

      The first is that Jews run Israel. That’s a check. The second is that Israel suffers a major attack. Well, that won’t happen so that evangelicals send money to the settlers. Not only does it align with their “Israel should have the biblical borders” beliefs, but it adds fuel to the fire - worsening the conflict and making it more likely for a huge “Jesus will return this time” attack to happen.

      They also support right wing Israeli politicians for the same reason. They don’t want a guy running Israel who says “let’s get a lasting peace with the Palestinians.” They want a guy that says “I’ll burn every Palestinian house to the ground and then burn the Palestinians themselves!”

      This isn’t meant to excuse actions by anyone else. It just shows that three situations are complex with a lot of people all over the place working against peace.

      • rafa
        111 months ago

        deleted by creator

  • enkers
    1811 months ago

    “Stop genocideing quite so hard, Israel, you’re making us look bad.”

  • @masquenox
    1711 months ago

    Riiiight… the US is so “upset” at Israel that they will only be giving Israel hundreds of billions in genocide money in the coming few years instead of trillions.


  • @TokenBoomer
    1411 months ago

    We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!

    Yitzhak Rabin

  • @antidote101
    1311 months ago

    They’re saying this just 70 - 80 years too late.

    • @Telodzrum
      011 months ago

      They’ve been saying this, and getting traction on it, for decades.

      It’s really easy to tell the people who just became aware of issues in the region over the past few weeks.

      • @kaffiene
        1011 months ago

        Not really? They can be hardly said to be “saying it and getting traction” while arming Israel to the hilt. They have and have had massive leverage over Israel and have largely chosen empty symbolic gestures while continuing to prop up the occupying state.

    • Drusas
      1111 months ago

      Never going to happen. They are the US’s stronghold in the Middle East.

  • @kaffiene
    1311 months ago

    …and the extremists running Israel, while he’s at it

  • @xc2215x
    611 months ago

    I don’t think he has an interest.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Rein them in until the next news cycle, that is.

    They have to appear as though they’re doing something, then it’s back to business as usual.

  • @ManuLeMaboul
    411 months ago

    Maybe the US should stop vetoing UN resolutions then.