Fox News host Jesse Watters went on a bizarre rant aimed at “Arab Americans” and “the Muslim world,” declaring, “We’ve had it” with issues in the Middle East.

  • partial_accumen
    10711 months ago

    You know what another term for an “Arab American” is? An American. Why does Jesse Watters hate Americans?

    We are a better nation for our diversity in cultures and ideas. Nearly all of us are immigrants or descended from them.

  • Flying Squid
    3011 months ago

    I’m waiting for Jesse Watters’ follow-up about African Americans. I’m sure it’s just as nuanced.

  • The Assman
    1311 months ago

    What year is it!? Seriously feel like I’ve been transported back to 2006.

    • @Yewb
      2211 months ago

      These people were shamed out of society before, trumpism has emboldened them

  • @generalpotato
    1311 months ago

    Exhibit a: Jesse Watters, is what we like to refer to as a stupid fuck.

  • @anon_8675309
    911 months ago

    So leave the Middle East to its own business.

  • @ghostdoggtv
    811 months ago

    This is why the right can’t fix anything. He’s mad about arabs and muslims when the major political problem children right now are Israel and other fascist zionists.