At a casino bingo hall in southwestern Colorado, Lauren Boebert, a Republican congresswoman, bounced her 6-month-old grandson on her knee.

“The election’s still a ways away,” she said as the guests arriving for the Montezuma County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day dinner trickled into the room. “And in talking with people at events like this, you know, it seems like there’s a lot of mercy and a lot of grace.”

The month before, Boebert, then in the midst of finalizing a divorce, was caught on a security camera vaping and groping her date shortly before being ejected from a performance of the musical “Beetlejuice” at the Buell Theater in Denver for causing a disturbance. The footage contradicted her own initial claims about the incident, and the venue’s statement that Boebert had demanded preferential treatment added to the outrage.

  • Flying Squid
    12211 months ago

    At a casino bingo hall in southwestern Colorado, Lauren Boebert, a Republican congresswoman, bounced her 6-month-old grandson on her knee.

    Reminder: This woman is 36 years old.

    • @surewhynotlem
      11511 months ago

      Now now, let’s not shame young mothers. Let’s shame her hypocrisy.

      • Flying Squid
        8511 months ago

        Doesn’t that hypocrisy include abstinence until marriage? Because that’s sure not what happened with her son.

        • @littlewonder
          2011 months ago

          Don’t forget being a part of the party that works to remove social nets and support systems for young parents.

        • @[email protected]
          1311 months ago

          In general, I don’t think it’s rational to judge people for the choices their offspring make.

          • Flying Squid
            3911 months ago

            I think it’s very rational to judge people’s parenting ability.

            • @[email protected]
              2311 months ago

              Do I judge her because she’s a 36 year old grandmother, generally no. Do I judge her because of her consistent stream of poor choices and hypocritical bullshit that has led her to becoming a 36 year old grandmother? Absolutely.

              Look shit happens, you’re not necessarily a bad person if your kid makes a poor choice and now has their own kid. You are a bad person if you can do all of those things and then try to pretend like you are some pious Christian that gets to lord over everyone else. She can get fucked. I hope she gets demolished in the election and fades into obscurity.

              • Flying Squid
                1011 months ago

                Do I judge her because she’s a 36 year old grandmother, generally no. Do I judge her because of her consistent stream of poor choices and hypocritical bullshit that has led her to becoming a 36 year old grandmother? Absolutely.

                I guess that’s more nuanced than the way I put it, but basically, yes. If she expects people to be abstinent but can’t even keep her own underaged son from getting his girlfriend pregnant… That’s what I’m talking about.

            • El Barto
              2211 months ago

              That’s a red herring. She’s not an awful person for being a grandmother at 36. She’s an awful person for being a hypocrite.

              • @anon_8675309
                1511 months ago

                To simplify even further, she’s just an awful person.

                • El Barto
                  511 months ago

                  She’s just awful.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            I mean her son is just following in her footsteps. She was 18 when she had him and apparently learned nothing from it to teach her son. At least that’s what I assumed we were talking about here.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              That’s ultimately a nature vs nurture question though, right? Even if you argue she was deficient in her parenting, I doubt anyone will place the choices of her adult child 100% on her. Do you follow all the same paths of your parents? I sure don’t…

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Sorry, you must not have understood me so let me put it into clearer terms. I’m bagging on Boebert for not practicing what she preaches and having a child at 18 out of wedlock. Not her son. I have no idea what he preaches. I only pointed out that there seems to be a pattern here that stands in pretty strong contrast to her party’s dogma; other than that I don’t know why we’re focusing on him.

                Her son is not the elected representative for the party that is pushing abstinence-only sex ed, moving to ban both birth control and abortion, and defunding programs that help young and single parents, all against the will of the people.

                Though, to answer your question; it does stand to reason that if she, as a parent that supposedly follows this ideology, can’t even keep teen pregnancy out of her own home, let alone her own body; how does she expect things to go on a national level without the aforementioned programs and services? Just as you said, teens don’t tend to heel to the dogma of their parents and government especially when said dogma goes against their very basic nature.

                • @FontMasterFlex
                  -211 months ago

                  people are allowed to change. just because she (or anyone, im not really defending her personally) has an opinion now, doesn’t mean they always had it. in fact, past expereiences tend to shape peoples feelings. If someone is 36 and preaching about not having sex before marriage or not having a child at a young age, it’s probably because they had a child out of wedlock at a young age and have the experience to talk about it now. it’s asinine to believe that people can NEVER change their minds about something. everyone makes mistakes, though not everyone learns from them. but you, i bet you’re perfect right? you’ve never changed your mind about anything. you’ve stuck to you guns 100% about everything always.

        • @Burn_The_Right
          1011 months ago

          that’s sure not what happened with her son

          Or her in a crowded theater full of children.

      • athos77
        3711 months ago

        I’m not going to shame her for being a grandmother at her age. I will absolutely blame her for using her 6-month-old grandkid as a political prop.

      • @chakan2
        611 months ago

        She’s not a young mother…the Carfax says accident damage and a rebuilt title.

  • @linearchaos
    7011 months ago

    Mercy my ass, she does nothing but lie and makeup crazy s*** 24x7 to further her agenda. She needs to be removed from society for our own safety.

    • Rentlar
      1211 months ago

      Yeah. She could give hand jobs all day and I couldn’t care less, but I can’t forgive her for constantly lying out of her ass, before, during, after this event. She learns nothing from it.

  • @Potatos_are_not_friends
    5911 months ago

    I wanted to refer to Boebert as “first date handjob in a movie theater” lady but that discounts all her incredibly racist, offensive, terrible shit she said and did for the past five years.

  • @Got_Bent
    2711 months ago

    How am I to interpret this sound bite that includes bouncing a six month old baby on your knee offered in a… checks notes… casino bingo hall?

    • El Barto
      -3111 months ago

      Let’s stop with the overused “checks notes” redditism.

      • @Riccosuave
        1411 months ago

        I like it. It adds character when appropriate. It’s fine if you don’t, you’re entitled to your opinion. Just don’t ruin it for everyone else.

        • El Barto
          11 months ago

          You just said it. When appropriate. It’s kind of annoying when people use it in an * checks notes * unimaginative way.

      • @Got_Bent
        1211 months ago

        That’s what you took from that. Neat.

        Incidentally, it’s the first time I’ve ever used it. See my username, put it into present tense, and carry on with your miserable day.

        • El Barto
          -1311 months ago

          I’m having a grand day. Lemmy, like Reddit is just a toy, so if you want to take things so seriously, welp… good for you. Bye.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            This coming from someone who took the time to complain about a… checks notes… phrase used on every social media and even in news articles, not just on reddit.

            • @[email protected]
              -111 months ago

              No, that’s not a thing in hard news. Maybe in opinion pieces or columns, but it’s definitely not in the AP Style Guide, which in the US is still the industry standard.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Perhaps outside the AP or whatever, but I have seen it used recently as such in sources that could be considered mainstream news by today’s audiences.

                edit: not that the absence of such would make this guy’s complaint any less ridiculous

            • El Barto
              -311 months ago

              In news articles? What * checks notes * news sources are you using?!

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Ok, first of all, for someone who complains that the phrase should be used appropriately, you don’t use it appropriately at all, in either this case or in that other “unimaginative” reply under this post, while the person you’re trying to call out about it actually did use it appropriately.

                Meanwhile, don’t act stupid and pretend that articles from major news sources haven’t started using that phrase as a narrative device in regards to Republican nonsense in general. I don’t have to point you to it, it’s out there.

                • El Barto
                  11 months ago

                  Beo give me an example of these * * checks notes* * news articles using “checks notes,” and a blog post won’t cut it.

                  You don’t use it appropriately at all

                  Well oh well, look who’s walking in my shoes!

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago


        You: this is a different thing and you can’t reference anything that was done in other places.

        • El Barto
          111 months ago

          I’m okay with previous references. Not just the * checks notes * overused, misused ones.

  • Ghostalmedia
    2111 months ago

    Scrolling through the article - then suddenly a proud eagle holding a table top with his mighty penis…

  • @[email protected]
    1511 months ago

    and i kinda want to see her do porn, but life’s not always fair… well i mean this case she’s gotten away with far more than most folks would… so yeah maybe its not fair in that regard either.

      • kubica
        811 months ago

        Wait, wasn’t it that any kind of sexual act that doesn’t have the purpose of procreation is a sin?

        • @[email protected]
          1011 months ago

          Only if you get caught, are having fun, or are queer, of course (/s). But the two core rules of Conservatism are:

          • I get to do what I want.
          • You have to do what I say.
      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I just read that article and would be interested in additional research on the topic as I don’t find those arguments particularly compelling.

        If I understood correctly, conservative states are just slightly more likely to pay for porn subscriptions than liberal states: this is a difference of 1-3 subscriptions per 1000 people. A very small distinction.

        And it’s 6 out of the 10 least subscribing states voted for Obama while 8 of the 10 most subscribing states voted for McCain.

        Given a very minor difference between the most and least subscribing states, I’m not sure this data actually means anything. Utah bought the most, but Montana bought the least per capita. Both deeply conservative states.

        Edit: I don’t say this as a defense of conservatives but as a call to better research and a caution against believing tenuous facts that reinforce our worldview. I personally believe repression leads to all sorts of problems, I just don’t think this article or research really supports that argument in a meaningful way.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          What I find interesting about the research, I think, is that despite all their bluster about “sin,” “tradition,” and “family values,” it turns out they are at least as likely to participate in the adult sex industry as their liberal and progressive counterparts. Being Conservative doesn’t appear to be a factor (at least, not in most cases), and being an ex-fundigelical myself, I hypothesize that it might increase that likelihood, possibly due to the combination of sexual repression and the near-constant focus on the sexual habits of others.

      • @Everythingispenguins
        211 months ago

        For some reason I read that as “…all the way to the West Bank.”

        I was trying to figure out why it would be helpful for her to get groped in the West Bank.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      311 months ago

      You basically did already When they were caught at Betelgeuse, she was giving her cohort a handy in the middle of the theater

      • Doubletwist
        111 months ago

        they were caught at Betelgeuse,

        Wow, they really get around.

  • @Nightwingdragon
    1211 months ago

    I do find it hilarious that of all the reprehensible things this woman has said and done over the past few years, she’s probably gonna be taken down because she copped a quick feel.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      If she hadn’t nearly lost in the last election, the sudden concern for her character wouldn’t be here now, even as a party disruptor.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          That’s my point. She almost lost and is a risk. The Republicans aren’t taking some moral stand against her. They’re trying to keep that seat out of the Democrats hands.

  • originalucifer
    911 months ago

    so many echos of that terrible human being from alaska with an uncanny resemblance to tina fey

  • mechoman444
    811 months ago

    I just want bobo out of politics!

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    411 months ago

    The handjob is an excuse, not a reason. The reason is that she came a hair’s breadth from losing a seat the GOP is counting on and her numbers have gotten worse since then.

  • @Etterra
    411 months ago

    Optimus Prime thought she was made of sterner stuff.

  • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    411 months ago

    If it were a male politician he’d be relentlessly hounded out of politics by his peers with no mercy even considered. Boebert is unfit to represent anybody.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Um, so there’s this guy named Donald Trump who still got elected president even after a tape of him bragging about grabbing women by their, um, yeah, was made public.

      I don’t expect people would hold men to a similar standard here either tbh

    • @Thaumiel
      1811 months ago

      I mean, not if he was Republican. Remember, Matt Gaetz literally trafficked teenage girls and he’s still in power.

    • @kaffiene
      211 months ago

      Like Trump, you mean?

    • @Wilibus
      011 months ago

      Including her 6 month old grandchild that she brought to the casino?

  • @ATDA
    311 months ago

    Politics Mercy

    Choose one.