The former president’s allies are developing a plan that would immediately deploy the military to the streets against potential demonstrators.

  • @[email protected]
    3411 months ago

    It’s funny, because I’ve often wondered just how it was that Germany came to be dominated by the Nazis, because it just seems too insane to even be possible.

    And now I’m watching the same basic thing play out in the US, and I still don’t understand how it’s happening, and it still seems too insane to even be possible.

    • @Fapper_McFapper
      1011 months ago

      Two words. American exceptionalism.

      The idea that something like that can never happen here is ubiquitous. Even now, while we are literally going through a transitional stage into authoritarianism there are those that still deny it is happening. Ok, that was more than two words.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Sorry - I must not have explained myself well, because you misconstrued my point.

        I don’t understand how it happened when it did in Germany. It seems too insane to happen at all.

        The thing that’s significant about it happening in the US is that it’s happening right now in real time where I live, rather than almost 90 years ago in another country.

        And it’s weird and unsettling that even with that - even with it happening moment-by-moment right in front if me - it still seems too insane to be possible.

        It seems like there should be some context to make it at least sort of make sense - something that I wouldn’t know about because I wasn’t living in Germany in the 1930s, but that I should be able to see here and now.

        But there isn’t - not as far as I can see. It’s just insanity.

        • ArtieShaw
          611 months ago

          There was a lot going on in Germany, but I’m not here for a full history lesson.

          I just want to repeat a quote that I heard while studying the German language many years ago. This is not an exact quote, but this was the gist of it: “Hitler was just a funny, ridiculous little man. No one took him seriously, but he was very entertaining.”

          This haunts me because a) Hitler and b) for a long time I’ve felt like Americans tend to elect the biggest joke or novelty candidate on the ballot when it comes to president.

          The two exceptions I would see in the last 40 years are Bush 1 and Biden. Bush rode in on Reagan’s coat tails and lasted one term. Biden is the inanimate carbon rod who has been running for president since 1987 and finally got his chance.

          • @Pronell
            311 months ago

            Perot was definitely more of a joke than Clinton but I get your overall point.

        • bedrooms
          211 months ago

          First of all propaganda. When you visit SNS you can see how people get caught by convenient points of view.

          In case of Germany, there was also a financial crisis. People wanted a reform, and Hitler found out that blaming it on the Jews manipulates people efficiently.

          The next thing is the flaws in election. To win a government you don’t need 50% of voters. Some don’t vote, some can be gerrymandered away, and you can often win with a 30% of votes in a multi-party system.

          Finally, you don’t say the quiet part loud.

    • Jaytreeman
      211 months ago

      The Democrats could change things now, but they aren’t.
      Not doing anything is being complicit

        711 months ago

        How? What, exactly, are they not doing? They lack control of Congress and the Supreme Court. Anything Biden tries that would limit it would wind up struct down by the Federal courts. At least that’s my view, so please, by all means, explain to me how the Democrats are doing nothing and are complicit.

        • Jaytreeman
          311 months ago

          Biden could be using executive orders AND be pressing for more supreme court seats. That’s without mentioning the hard tac he should have taken against sinema and manchin.

            311 months ago

            So doing the same thing Trump was rightly criticized for. Gotcha.

            The Senate is not filibuster proof, so making a change like adding Supreme Court seats would never fly. Speaking of that, with the razor slim majority the Dems have there, taking a hard tack against Sinema and Manchin would have been like arguing with a shotgun whose trigger had been pulled not to blow your head off. Or do you think Sinema and Manchin are idiots who didn’t know they could get their bread buttered from either side of the aisle and still come out smelling like roses? Those two held all the power and they knew it.

            • Jaytreeman
              211 months ago

              When fascists are knocking at the door, the time to play nice has passed.

              Trump was on track to have the most executive orders in the recent past. Obama, bush and Clinton all had more.

              Executive orders are an integral part of any presidency. It’s literally how each president makes their mark

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            So use desperate strongman measures to prop up democracy lest it would fall to the fascists?

            Have you ever read about the last three democratically elected administrations of the Weimar Republic, and how they tried to use increasingly desperate measures like emergency orders to prevent the Republic from falling - which paved the way for the National Socialists to simply use the established standard and bypass Parliament completely once they were in power?

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        What could they change?

        What they can do is win the election in a big way, and finally discredit Trumpism.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    2011 months ago

    Fascists are about to take over and too many people are too busy hating the Jews/Palestinians/Trans folks, or chasing UFOs, the wealthy have us all fighting each other while their fascist puppets take over.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      That’s vastly understating the matter.

      Him doing that would very likely kick off another civil war. Some governors would absolutely refuse to release their state national guards for this duty, which would be a massive constitutional crisis, but frankly probably way better than just letting it happen.

  • @RedditReject
    1411 months ago

    It gets really tiring to listen to these people threaten to take away everyone’s freedom and still be in the race for the position. Hate is a really ugly thing

      811 months ago

      That’s because almost half this country thinks that if they took away freedoms, it wouldn’t be from them, just the filthy libs.

  • @ChicoSuave
    811 months ago

    Because open democracies always shut down losers! What’s democracy without some politically fuel revenge murders by an untouchable government agency?

  • Ross
    411 months ago

    So what everyone is saying is that whomever is in command and all military personnel in the chain of command are going to follow any orders no matter how illegal? Seriously? The military has already told Trump to pound sand.

    • nicetriangleOP
      11 months ago

      The republicans are currently holding up all the military leadership promotions/appointments which may be totally unrelated to stuff like this, but it also may not.

      • @shalafi
        111 months ago

        ONE Republican is holding appointments hostage and the rest are getting pissed off and antsy about it. They’re bringing votes to the floor in batches now, even though each one requires an individual vote, rather than a mass approval.

    • @agent_flounder
      511 months ago

      I guess that means Trump would need to hand pick loyal generals to improve his odds.

      311 months ago

      Milley told him to pound sand. Given that christofascists have been working hard to indoctrinate the enlisted and many of those enlisting are already christofascists or come from areas of extreme poverty and conservatism, don’t think that these people aren’t making plans to remove those who won’t play ball to clear the way for more agreeable officers. If you see a sudden boost of former enlisted guys suddenly returning in early summer 2024, brace yourself.

    • @shalafi
      111 months ago

      Orders will be couched, as much as possible, in legal orders to “keep the peace”. IANAL, no idea what that looks like. But you’re right, the brass is not going for any of this shit.

      • Ross
        211 months ago

        It would take 15 years to effect real change in the military hierarchy in America and that’s intentional.

  • @Rhoeri
    -611 months ago

    It’s just a bunch of people with zero authority to do it, suggesting it be done. This is nothing.

    • @aseriesoftubes
      411 months ago

      This is nothing.

      It’s nothing until it actually happens. Our system relies heavily on honor and tradition. It won’t stand up to someone who has no honor and no respect for tradition.

    • @shalafi
      211 months ago

      Yep, spot on. OTOH, nothing wrong with keeping our ears to the ground for such plans as these.

      111 months ago

      Except Trump is strategizing with them. Maybe he’s just humoring them. Maybe not. As things stand, I’m more willing to accept that he’s an active participant and will use their plans than not. The man has more than once stated he intends to make those who opposed him or turned on him pay dearly.