I know it’s most likely a beginner question but it’s what I am I suppose.

For extra context, I generally have about 6-10 hours to spend to game per week and I find I do enjoy the main quest but after spending a couple days only doing that it feels like I’m missing out by ignoring some of the side quests.

I only have 1 charachter so far and it’s lvl35 at around the start of ACT2.

Will I lose out on powerlevel if I just try to get through the main quest first for now and look into doing sidequests afterwards? Am I making my life harder if I do sidequests first?

Right now I think I would like to be able to participate in the seasonal with a new class to try out, since it is still an expensive game and I want to feel like I experience more than just one class.

  • _spiffy
    212 years ago

    I would blast through the main story and save the side quests for later.

    • @DV8OP
      52 years ago

      Ok, I guess I’ll go that route, are there downside to doing this, even minor ones?

      • _spiffy
        152 years ago

        Not really, getting the story done faster gets you the horse which helps and the side quests can all be done after the fact.

        • @CrackhappyM
          122 years ago

          This right here is the answer. Getting the horse is extremely important at getting so many things done so much faster.

      • @Thadrax
        22 years ago

        You will be under levelled in the later acts and need to push a few levels to continue (if not for the story then to do the capstone dungeon to get to the higher difficulty level). Doing a few side quests to get those first few renown rewards at least in some regions will give a more balanced experience in my opinion (plus more potions/skills, which helps).

        • @DV8OP
          12 years ago

          What are capstone dungeons? And indeed, the renown I need to get to a base level for sure, and the Lilith statues I need to activate when I see them.

          • @Thadrax
            12 years ago

            Those are dungeons you need to complete to unlock new stuff. After the campaign there is a lvl 50 one unlocking wt3 (nightmare difficulty) which is where all the end game stuff starts and there is another one at lvl 70 for wt4 (hell?)

      • @False
        22 years ago

        I ended up under leveled for the campaign and had to go back and do some side quests. But not a big deal.

  • @[email protected]
    162 years ago

    I hit lvl 50 before act 3 and I wish I would’ve done more of the main story first.

    The horse is a game changer and I would’ve saved a lot of time.

    • codus
      22 years ago

      I have limited time so this is the approach I took. I’m now going back and doing quests, events, and clearing dungeons that I missed.

  • @Zanz
    82 years ago

    Everything scales with you, and there are limited ways to get items/account rewards without finishing the story 1st. I like to do everything as I get it, but that put me way behind in gear.

    • @DV8OP
      22 years ago

      I like that line of thought, the renown does give useful bonuses, and so do the statues of Lilith ofcourse. Thanks for your feedback!

  • @[email protected]
    82 years ago

    I’m by no means an expert, and have a similar amount of play time. I opted to push through the main story since all quests scale the same and you need to get to Act IV to unlock the horse.

    I’m just now doing some of the 50-100 stuff and while doing that I’m going through and getting some more of the flavor by doing side quests in the areas that I’m spending time in.

    • @DV8OP
      32 years ago

      Ah, I was wonder how to get that damn stable shop to sell me a horse. Thanks so much for your feedback.

    • sharpiemarker
      32 years ago

      On a related note, I’ve been grinding side quests and just got the horse. I constantly forget that I have a horse because I got it so late in the game.

    • @DonnieNarco
      12 years ago

      Does it really scale though?? I had a lvl 41 Necro Bone Spear build and made it Lillith but got my ass handed to me like never before…then I looked at the quest and it said Lvl 45+, so I have to go run side quests till I am 45 or so

      • @Thadrax
        32 years ago

        Some stuff has a minimum level (later act areas), some things are fixed (capstone dungeons?) and some things are scaling but will always be 2 levels above or so (strongholds I think).

        So rushing through the game will mean you’ll have to push some levels after finishing the story (or to get through even) to be able to continue any way. You’ll have no or less renown rewards (potion slots/bonus skill levels) but will get the mount sooner.

        I preferred getting through the story a little slower but claiming those rewards at least in some regions and never being under level for campaign stuff. Finished the campaign just over lvl 50, so pretty much right on the mark.>

      • claymedia
        32 years ago

        I think the quests always scale with you, so Lilith will always be 4 levels above whatever level you’re at.

      • claymedia
        22 years ago

        I think the quests always scale with you, so Lilith will always be 4 levels above whatever level you’re at.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    I followed the rule of getting enough renown to get the region progress bonuses up to the third level for a total of 2 skill points and 1 potion capacity in each area. Otherwise as others have said, progressing to where you earn your mount really speeds even that up since you can traverse the map quicker.

    • ipodjockey
      32 years ago

      That’s a good way to do it. Thanks for sharing.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    I’ve been taking it kind of slow. I’m not exhaustively doing every side quest but it’s more like when my build sucks, I do non-main-arc stuff hoping to improve my gear ahead of the act boss.

    And I just like exploring. I also do those class-specific dungeons whenever I see one. Presumably they’ll come in useful at some point?

  • @Tolstoy
    52 years ago

    Some of the sidequests are well written and some are whole questlines. So far I played only the main story with a mage ending it with about level 47. Mostly without sidequests but with a lot of exploration/events and so on. Since leveling up my alts was a little bit tedious befor the last patch, I switched to the sidequests from time to time.

    It’s more like a personal preference to take time and go grab something while the world is struggling for saviour. Levelwise it doesn’t really matter.

  • DarkThoughts
    52 years ago

    Depends on what you want. I did a lot of side quests on my first character, but I had to because I had the habit of just accepting everything - until I ran into the 20 sidequest cap… This forced me to do side quests when I wanted to continue the main quest, because I would at least want to be able to accept the side quests that are outside & harder to find, if I were to come across them.

    On my second character I did exactly that. Just did the main quest and accepted all the side quests that were on my way but away from any waypoint. And I gotta say, the campaign boss fights were so much easier on a lower level. I’m not super sure whether I finish all side quests on that character though. The exp you get for them is typically pretty low and I don’t have a need for the herbs or leather packs they give you at this stage anymore either.

    So yeah, my recommendation is to focus on the main quests & just pick up stuff you find outside the towns. Do sidequests when your quest book gets too full but otherwise only afterwards.

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    Do sidequests as you like, but get through the story. You’ll have to finish that to play the seasonal content and it’ll get you more skills and items quicker. It makes the game a lot more enjoyable tbh.

  • @zombie_kong
    52 years ago

    Ok so I was in the same boat.

    Quite happily plodding along at a leisurely pace, helping the locals with their errands and what not.

    This is nice but you won’t get much in the way of loot. Side quests are great for levelling but the better drops are after the campaign.

    Helltides, Nightmare dungeons etc. Oh and a horse.

  • @luffyuk
    42 years ago

    I’m level 55 and just finished Act 2. I’ve basically 100 percented the first two map regions, except for the dungeons. I’ve personally enjoyed playing this way. However, I’m going to power through the story now.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    I did the main quest line with only minor exploration and + sidequesting and ended up slightly underlevel for the final quest, but it was completely doable

  • @majere
    32 years ago

    The side quests aren’t going anywhere. There are way too many to do. Enjoy them for the lore – some of them make the game world feel more alive and fleshed out. Okay whatever part you enjoy the most. Even the story is structured so you can skip lore by powering through vs look at the side nooks and crannies for journals and paintings.

  • CarlsIII
    32 years ago

    @DV8. It doesn’t really matter what order you do things in. I mostly stopped doing side quests once I reached the point for each elates where they stop giving you renown rewards until world tier 3 and then picked them up again afterwords, although I did keep doing enough side quests to keep from having the max number of side quests so I could keep picking up new side quests as I came across them.