This is exactly what we’re planning.
I am done done done with the pressure, the incessant need for connection, only to reach out and find that people on the whole are just fucked up.
Where are the relatively normal people?
The measured people, the people who do not have a insane opinion about guns or politics or how people should live their lives?
Where are the people who know right from wrong? Good from evil?
It’s tiresome. I want to be friends with a donkey, stare at some landscape and see my days out in peace.
I was afraid it would be a mid range sci fi but it’s turned out to be fantastic.
I feel this.
What is the actual point of publishing knowledge bases and documentation if nobody reads them?
Carrot. I’m making a carrot cake today.
Block and Move On.
Fantastic, thanks very much. I’ll bear those in mind.
Gorgeous pupper.
The EU needs to hurry up and legalise it.
Windows. Because I can run WSL alongside the industry standard business tools such as Outlook etc.
It’s the best of both worlds for me.
Do it.
Enough with tolerating that bullshit.
Let them spew their hate, just make sure it’s contained.
Preferably where nobody can see or hear them.
There’s a cool book called The Ministry of Food or something by yer man Jamie Oliver.
Taught me a thing or two.
Tasty dishes, simple recipes.
Have a nice sit down.
I’d like more chairs. And benches that can seat 6-8 players.
Zero fucking tolerance.
It’s shit like this that fucks a place up.
Get a grip.
That’s how we like it.
We’re mostly just keeping ourselves to ourselves.
You guys do you.
lolling in EU