Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.

  • @zarathustra0
    4111 months ago

    I like the suggestion that we concern ourselvrs more with the quality of men’s internal lives, but I do worry we’re still objectifying men as ‘the problem’.

    • Franzia
      1411 months ago

      Seriously. We can’t just call men “the problem”. We have to address the problems men are having in their social lives and in dating. Men are not being given a fair shot to bring their best selves.

      • @Dkarma
        011 months ago

        Removed by mod

    • Redhotkurt
      1311 months ago

      It’ll stop once it stops being a problem. FTA:

      He had recently read about a high school creative writing assignment in which boys and girls were asked to imagine a day from the perspective of the opposite sex. While girls wrote detailed essays showing they had already spent significant time thinking about the subject, many boys simply refused to do the exercise or did so resentfully.

      I mean, we’re not just talking about the ability to communicate (which is important), but the basic ability to empathize. If men (in general) are unwilling to even consider the female point of view, is it any wonder why women have a difficult time dating? This isn’t happening in a vacuum; there are real reasons why this is happening.

      • snooggums
        11 months ago

        Boys refusing to do an exercise about imagining a day as the other gender represents a social problem, not a men problem. High school boys who refuse to imagine themselves as someone else were taught to be resistant to that idea, and not only by men but society as a whole.

          • @[email protected]
            1011 months ago

            Maybe we stop with top down one size fits all solutions to human interaction? The article is a good example of part of the problem, as it seems to exonerate one group while putting all the onus for change on the other. Mainly by it having essentially a single position from all them people that the author uses as sources and references and the narrow scope that they actually show.

          • dumplesOP
            511 months ago

            Agreed. No one’s to blame but should work on fixing it

      • @zarathustra0
        1611 months ago

        Think of the structural issues which have caused this to be the case. Blaming men for not achieving an externally defined target isn’t going to help anyone.

        Hate the game, not the player.

      • @Surp
        1111 months ago

        You couldn’t be more in your own echo chamber. If other men are telling you woman also act the same way as some men and also have issues and you refuse to see another position or point of view you are the problem.

      • @AtmaJnana
        18 months ago

        You take one cherry-picked anecdote and then generalize that to the entire population. You are the problem.

    • dumplesOP
      911 months ago

      Navigating interpersonal relationships in a time of evolving gender norms and expectations “requires a level of emotional sensitivity that I think some men probably just lack, or they don’t have the experience,” he added.

      I like the quote above about this topic but it does still seem like men are the problem. The problem is that we as a society haven’t taught those skills and worse yet reinforce the opposite. We should be concerned with men’s internal lives and mold them to fit into modern society

  • @ChonkyOwlbear
    11 months ago

    A big part is diminishing religiosity. There is little point in getting married if you aren’t religious. Thanks to progress made by LGBT couples, most of the legal benefits of marriage are shared by domestic partnerships. Traditionalists on the left and the right make a big deal of this, but it is of negligible factual importance.

    • dumplesOP
      1611 months ago

      I don’t think most people who get married do it for religious reasons or even to start a family in the US anymore. People do it since they see it a formal a commitment and want to announce their love in public.

      • @mumblerfish
        511 months ago

        That only covers one angle, if people do it for religious reasons, not if they don’t do it because of religion. I’m not getting married, and the religious connotations of even a secular wedding is a significant chunk of why.

        • @Jimmyeatsausage
          3111 months ago

          There’s also a million legal reasons to get married… If there weren’t, same sex marriage would probably have never made it to the Supreme Court. Everything from insurance coverage, employment benefits, credit rating, child custody, transfer of property following death, medical decisions, and a bunch of other very secular, very important benefits are conferred via legal marriage.

          • @CleoTheWizard
            211 months ago

            Is there any way to adapt this better for polyamorous people? I have poly friends that got around it by choosing a primary partner and marrying them, but that seems like a bad solution in the long term.

            • dumplesOP
              211 months ago

              I don’t think that is going to be happening for a long time. It took decades for gays and lesbians. The marrying of a primary partner is the best solution so far.

    • @Donkter
      611 months ago

      I’m pretty sure it’s pretty clear that the slight increase in domestic partnerships over marriage does not shore up the declining marriage rates.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    611 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The most recent wave of commenters have tended to position themselves as iconoclasts speaking hard truths: Two-parent families often result in better outcomes for kids, writes Megan McArdle, in The Washington Post, but “for various reasons,” she goes on, this “is too often left unsaid” — even though policy wonks, and the pundits who trumpet their ideas, have been telling (straight) people to get married for the sake of their children for decades.

    But harping on people to get married from high up in the ivory tower fails to engage with the reality on the ground that heterosexual women from many walks of life confront: that is, the state of men today.

    Ms. Camino, for her part, has dabbled in dating since her partner left, but hasn’t yet met anyone who shares her values, someone who’s funny and — she hesitates to use the word “feminist” — but a man who won’t just roll his eyes and say something about being on her period whenever she voices an opinion.

    The in-depth interviews, he said, “were even more dispiriting.” For a variety of reasons — mixed messages from the broader culture about toughness and vulnerability, the activity-oriented nature of male friendships — it seems that by the time men begin dating, they are relatively “limited in their ability and willingness to be fully emotionally present and available,” he said.

    Navigating interpersonal relationships in a time of evolving gender norms and expectations “requires a level of emotional sensitivity that I think some men probably just lack, or they don’t have the experience,” he added.

    The behaviors were ubiquitous enough that Ms. Inhorn compiled a sort of taxonomy of cads, such as the “Alpha males” who “want to be challenged by work, not by their partners” or the “Polyamorous men” who claim “that their multiple attachments to women are all ‘committed.’” Her breakdown — table 1.1 in the book — reads like a rigorous academic version of all the complaints you’ve ever heard from your single female friends.

    The original article contains 1,877 words, the summary contains 335 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @AlijahTheMediocre
    211 months ago

    This comment section went from zero to one hundred real quick

    • dumplesOP
      111 months ago

      It always does on mensliberation. Just got to get used to it and plan on it

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    There seems to be an assumption here that the lack of marriage rates is solely due to men being unsuitable. I’d like to see sources and data on that.

    It takes two to tango, there are communities with higher marriage rates would be interesting research to see what factors differ amongst communities that impact marriage rates.

  • @Coreidan
    -911 months ago

    “Ask women what dating is like”. Good idea if you want a biased one sided opinion.

    This article is vomit.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      Biggest issue with the article. NO male voices, and it’s repeating the same lines I have heard since the mid 00’s.

      Now I acknowledge that there hasn’t been much movement on the dating front, but men are only half the problem, as they are only half the population.

      They would change in a hurry as a group if they needed to, but men aren’t a monolith and neither are women.

      You want men to be better, be better yourself. The article is garbage by saying men need to step up while not talking to them about the issues they face in the dating world. ESPECIALLY if they aren’t Hetronormative.

      • @[email protected]
        -211 months ago

        So, men are only a problem because…women are the problem?


        Fuck’s sake, worry about yourself. You want better? Deserve it. Or not, and settle for less. Whatever.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          An article that wonders why people aren’t getting married says they went out and only asked one side what the problem was. 🤔

          Doesn’t even seem balanced…

          Edit: as a romance favourable aroace, the dating world was a nightmare, even if you do everything “right”. Which is why I no longer look to find companionship.

          Do better or not, there are garbage people in all genders and the prevailing “men bad” when it comes to dating is just as toxic as what the men are doing.

          The article also doesn’t suggest any possible solutions.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Ask a woman what dating is like. You, personally. I dare you.

      Only issue is, clearly you won’t listen to their answer.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Well, considering dating takes at least 2 people (depending on how you live your life, and yes non-monagamy and polyamory are vaild), asking only one group is incredibly biased.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Please explain how this isn’t a bigoted point of view

            Ms. Kearney, for example, acknowledges that improving men’s economic position, especially men without college degrees, is an important step toward making them more attractive partners.

      • @Coreidan
        411 months ago

        Odd take. You do realize that a relationship is about TWO people right? It’s not all about you. Shocker right?

        • @Dkarma
          -111 months ago

          Yes and one of those ppl is statistically more likely to kill the other. How are u so dense u don’t get his point.

          Yes a relationship is 2 people. That’s not relevant here. If one person is shit why do both people need to “work on things”

          News flash… They don’t.

          • @Coreidan
            211 months ago

            So your argument is that men as a whole aren’t dateable because an extreme minority of them are unhinged and go on school shootings? Huh?

            You hate men. We get it.

            • @Dkarma
              -311 months ago

              I’m a man u fucking doughnut for brains.

              • @Coreidan
                11 months ago

                And all you can muster up is hate and insults.

                This is why you’re not taken seriously. In other words you’ve shown how completely irrational you are. No point trying to have a rational conversation with someone so completely out of line and irrational.

                Best of luck to you.

            • @[email protected]
              -311 months ago

              No. Most men are undateable because theyre in a constant state of arrested development and our society rewards brash pomposity.

              • @Coreidan
                511 months ago

                But women aren’t undateable. They are all perfect


    • @AFaithfulNihilist
      -311 months ago

      There is a widespread, socially disruptive, and sometimes life threatening epidemic of unfuckable dudes.

      There are challenges with expectations and entitlements on all sides, but the unfuckable dudes are not rising to meet the challenges.

      • @Coreidan
        11 months ago

        What about all the unfuckable women? Again you look at everything one sided.

        Both sexes need to get better. You’re saying that it’s all up to the men. In other words what you’re saying is women don’t have to be responsible for anything, they can act any way they want. A very entitled and selfish attitude.

        Did you ever consider that this toxic mentality DRIVES AWAY the good men? Maybe good men want nothing to do with you because of your mentality. That leaves only the toxic men to put up with your bullshit, so that’s all you see.

        • @AFaithfulNihilist
          711 months ago

          They aren’t shooting up night clubs, marauding through cities, or lashing out violently out of sexual frustration and a lack of purpose.

          Men are doing those things. Look, I get that ‘both sides’ impulse, but unfuckable women don’t pose an existential risk to society, and to be honest, women have to be pretty far gone to qualify as unfuckable.

          Angry women aren’t as violent or dangerous as angry men, and the social validation most men are cultured to seek through income, physical prowess, and social success is not as accessible as it once was.

          When I was little I noticed that all the father’s were just absent. It seemed to me then that the role of ‘dad’ had been demoted to a placeholder and was existentially diminished in terms of meaning and value. This has a deleterious effect on the sense of purpose of many young men, myself included, but it doesn’t have to define us.

          Women are seizing an opportunity for their own self actualization from the oppressive society we live in to find purpose and meaning. Maybe some more men need to do the same.

          • @Coreidan
            11 months ago

            Yikes. You have deep issues.

            The thing is no one is arguing that men don’t suck. Plenty of men out there are garbage.

            What you’re glossing over is the fact that women have lots of issues as well. There is no shortage of psycho women with deep issues.

            Go talk to a “good” man and get their perspective on dating. You’ll get a different picture and you’ll see women are chock full of their own issues. It’s just a different flavor.

            The problem is you’ll never do that because you hate men and have no interest in a genuine conversation. Instead it’s all “woe is me, all men suck”.

            If you can’t find a good man, it’s not that they don’t exist, but rather you don’t attract them. Maybe work on your attitude and you won’t come off as toxic with tons of baggage and maybe then they will give you a shot.

            • @AFaithfulNihilist
              11 months ago

              I like to think that I am a good man, and I know my girlfriend is a good woman.

              I know that I wasn’t really ready for the seriousness of relationship some of my ex’s wanted with me and I had to grow up, but I also remember frustrations with some of them not being mature and self reliant enough to be a reliable partner.

              I am very fortunate to be on good terms and friendly with many of my previous partners, and I’m lucky to have been in love several times in my life. I know I am a better person because of the love I have shared and that which has been shared with me.

              I’ve seen shitty groups of women do things I thought only happened in strawman arguments, like protest a college club of minority men sharing legal and social resources relevant to their community because ‘mens rights is anti feminist’ or other nonsense. I have also seen men joke about vaginal credit card and bitch about their own odious unfuckablity in the same breath.

              People can be shitty, that doesn’t mean you need to make assumptions about them. If you give most people a chance, they will tell you who they are.

              • @Coreidan
                11 months ago

                The TLDR is that not every one sucks and some times you need to give people a chance.

                No disagreement there, but I am not seeing how this aligns with the discussion we are having.

                At the end of the day not everyone sucks. Putting all of the blame on one sex is disingenuous. Both men and women can be fucked up. There are plenty of good men struggling to find good women. There are plenty of good women struggling to find good men. The world is chock full of assholes for both sexes.

                It works both ways but you’re only looking in one direction. Based on everything you said in your last post it sounds a lot like you agree with me, you just don’t want to admit it.

        • @Dkarma
          511 months ago

          What about unfuckable women? Do men ever feel threatened by them to the point of feari g for their lives???

          You pretend this is one sided but it is literally not the same for women dating as it is for men.

          To believe otherwise is incredibly ignorant.

          The vast majority of men never consider physical violence against them in a relationship.

          The good men arent afraid to admit that men in general need to do a lot better job of respecting women.

          You claim: "In other words what you’re saying is women don’t have to be responsible for anything, they can act any way they want. "

          No one is saying this. You assumed this. Your assumption is simply incorrect.

          This is the definition of a strawman. You’re fitting an argument the other person never made.

          • @Coreidan
            -411 months ago

            This is the definition of a strawman. You’re fitting an argument the other person never made.

            Except this thread is chock full of you all doing this exact thing.

            Listen, nothing will change that there are shitty men out there. Nothing will change that there are also shitty women out there. If you can’t find a decent guy it isn’t because they don’t exist, it’s because YOU aren’t attracting them. This is a YOU problem.

            • @Dkarma
              311 months ago

              Only it isnt and you’re projecting cuz UK you’re completely wrong.

              • @Coreidan
                11 months ago

                Projecting? More like you’re deflecting.

                You’re the hateful one here. You’re the angry one. You need a nap.

                • @Dkarma
                  211 months ago

                  Oh really what did I say that is hateful? You’re still projecting 100% or you just can’t read haha.