Seriously tho, fuck these people

    2211 months ago

    Every time. The funniest for me is when they tailgate me then speed around me just to stop at the same traffic light as me a few meters down the road

    • The Pantser
      411 months ago

      Yup, it’s them who will be paying extra for gas and changing their breaks sooner. Me, I’ll stick with using my regenerative breaking and never have to change my breaks.

      • Tb0n3
        711 months ago

        Also dealing with potential manslaughter charges or traffic tickets. You never know what’s around another car.

      • @funnystuff97
        611 months ago

        My old man used to always say, they’re 30 seconds faster to their grave.

        But the gas thing is a big one. Hitting the brakes is gas wasted, and pumping it to 60mph just to drive 30 feet and then hit the brakes again is a bunch of wasted gas, and it adds up!

  • @TheLameSauce
    1311 months ago

    This is just normal Chicago driving lol

    • @xpinchx
      411 months ago

      I was gonna say I see this almost every day in Chicago. Ask that risk to get ahead 3 cars.

    • kamenLady.
      711 months ago

      Then, echoing through their empty heads: Vrooomm, VROOOOOM, vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

        • kamenLady.
          11 months ago

          I was pretty bummed, when the Harley Davidson shop closed, right on the side of where i work. It had been there forever. They also made repairs there.

          I’m a developer and hearing the bikes driving around all day was great for work. Like white noise with a sprinkle of gas.

          They had a party every year. You could hear them arriving from a mile away, since, as you know, bikers love coming around in huge groups.

          Now it’s just an empty hall.

          Edit: they closed just about a few months ago and i heard them sounds for 15 years.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Man, that’s actually kinda sad.

            Why don’t you take back the streets and get a bike?

            • kamenLady.
              311 months ago

              Not me. I mean, i love them, i love to see and hear them, but i can’t imagine driving one.

              MotoGP is my motor sport nr. 1.

              But riding myself?

              I think it’s because of my dad. When he was 20 something, he drove with my uncle’s bike right into a barbed wire fence. His body is ridden with deep cuts, from head to toe.

              That always deterred me from even thinking about it, i guess.

              Harley Davidson not being there anymore is really sad. It’s a daily reminder of the time passed… 15 years ago, there was no way a Harley Shop wouldn’t have enough customers. I felt the last generation switch, until now i was always like part of everything happening - now it’s so clear where my generation ends and that there’s a new generation that came of age and “took over” lol

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                Ahh, I understand. I’m sorry about your father’s experience.

                It can be bloody dangerous, especially when it comes to other drivers, and shit that could potentially happen.

                Must be a harsh feeling seeing that happen around you. But, at least it was fun whilst it lasted

                • kamenLady.
                  210 months ago

                  It’s interesting seeing all three changes tbh - the only catch in all this, is time passing by too quickly.

  • @NABDad
    811 months ago

    Turning lane? In Philly people routinely cross the double yellow to pass.