• @afraid_of_zombies
    317 months ago

    I don’t see why calling for a ceasefire is such a non-starter. Everyone there can go back to work butchering each other more effectively if they are well rested.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      The entire country of Israel wants to build back their military reputation for deterrence. Opposing political parties got together to back their military response. Plus, almost everyone in Israel knows someone killed or captured by Hamas, that’s why it was 15 9/11s or whatever. There is no high minded worry about peaceful ideals when your kid was killed by Hamas.

      I’m against all the killing and especially of civilians, I think the US should and is pushing for a ceasefire, but I also see why it isn’t working. It’s not because the administration isn’t trying hard enough, it’s because nothing will stop the fighting until Israel achieves at least some of its goal for destroying Hamas and building back the deterrence.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        And israel will destroy hamas, much like all terrorist organizations have been destroyed in the past.

      • @interceder270
        -27 months ago

        It’s not because the administration isn’t trying hard enough, it’s because nothing will stop the fighting until Israel achieves at least some of its goal for destroying Hamas and building back the deterrence.

        Errr… exactly what has the administration done? What consequences have there been for Israel, threatened or realized?

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          They got the 4hr pauses. The president went there. The Secretary of State went there. The land assault was pushed off for days in the beginning. They moved two carrier groups into the region to deter Hezbollah and Iran, and Iran has officially said they will not get involved.

          They don’t negotiate in public so obviously there is no example of threats, but there is evidence of an attempt at moderating the Israeli response, and in the past Biden’s strategy has been to hug Israel in public to get as much as possible in private, something like agreeing to refuse to call for a ceasefire in public, as long as Israel does do the 4hr pauses. That very much reads to me as what the Admin achieved.

          And since a ceasefire isn’t on the table regardless of consequences right now due to Israeli domestic politics, a short 4hr daily ceasefire-in-all-but-name is a pretty big get.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              Use available information to make an educated guess. As opposed to your method of deciding that because the maximalist position has not been achieved, clearly nobody has done anything at all.

              • @interceder270
                -17 months ago

                because the maximalist position has not been achieved

                Lol, you mean doing anything at all? Didn’t know that was a ‘maximalist’ position.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        -37 months ago

        It’s also because the administration isn’t trying hard enough. Reagan stopped the bombing of West Beirut with a phone call. Biden should at least be able to get Israel to follow the rules of war if he threatens them with cutting aid. Also these are 1200 people in a population of 10 million. I find it very hard to believe that most people know someone who was killed or captured.

        • @SheeEttin
          27 months ago

          Yeah, but Biden knows that if he cuts aid, the vocal Jewish/Israel/Zionist lobby will freak the fuck out.

          • @interceder270
            77 months ago

            Who… cares? Why should zionists get more influence over American foreign policy than the rest of Americans?

            • @[email protected]
              57 months ago

              Exactly. Why in the hell are we bending over backwards to make one group happy when most sentiment is moving in a different direction?

              I don’t understand why everyone in DC is so scared of Israeli lobbyists.

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                Makes you wonder what dirt Mossad has on any of our politicians.

                Which in a roundabout way is an argument for term limits; higher turnover provides less opportunity for skeletons to pile up in closets to compromise any vestigal integrity they have after becoming a politician.

                • @Aqarius
                  07 months ago

                  Well, unofficially, it’s sort of recognised Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was an Israeli spy.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Hamas’ popularity with the people and their allies is really low right now. A victory (cease fire) corrects that for them

      And also your second part, it’s a lot easier for them to attack Israel if they aren’t expecting it

      Israel and Palestine don’t gain anything from a ceasefire unless negotiations take place

    • @deleted
      27 months ago

      Every side have their own agenda. Every now and then stars align.

      If you go back 3-4 decades, you’ll notice a pattern.

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      I think it is because if the Israelis kill a lot of people in Gaza right now, they can later say it is because they were hot-headed and not planning things properly (which they should do anyways, so it doesn’t really matter). If they stop now, and go back to attacking again later, they can’t say that anymore.

    • @interceder270
      -27 months ago

      Because why would Israel stop their genocide if they don’t have to?

      Conducting airstrikes isn’t nearly as exhausting as getting hit by them.

    • @nbafantest
      -117 months ago

      Convince me that the US Government should help Hamas, which is what a ceasefire does.

        • @nbafantest
          -87 months ago

          Well I guess you just answered why calling for a ceasefire is such a nonstarter lmao

            • @nbafantest
              -47 months ago

              Why even type out your original comment?

              • @ghostdoggtv
                37 months ago

                Engaging with IDF sea lions on their terms is a waste of time. The point of the ceasefire is to relieve civilians in Gaza. Israel is about 10X worse than Hamas in terrorist terms by now. They have lost any moral authority they ever had.

                • @nbafantest
                  07 months ago

                  There are other ways to relieve civilians. A ceasefire is a win for Hamas, which is why it is a non starter.

                • @nbafantest
                  7 months ago

                  The other guy asked a question then refused to discuss his question There hasn’t even been a discussion, let alone an argument.

    • @TheOgreChef
      247 months ago

      Yes, because whomever Biden loses to will DEFINITELY have a different policy on Israel that couldn’t possibly be worse in every measure.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        277 months ago

        You’re right, but when people are disillusioned with the democratic process they just don’t vote, and this does outsized damage to democrats.

      • @randon31415
        47 months ago

        Israel is supporting Ukraine. Ukraine and Israel funding in the US congress seems tied together. Guess who want’s Ukraine’s funding cut? Trump’s boss.

      • @interceder270
        47 months ago

        Already gearing up to support the ‘lesser evil’, lol.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      His admin got the 4hr pauses, they are absolutely getting a ceasefire by the time of the election in 2024.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        It does him in because it hasn’t been demanded of Israel beginning in the first week of the genocide. Yes, this is a genocide perpetrated by the Israelis, and the majority of us do not want our taxpayer dollars funding it. Biden the war hawk acts as if there’s no other choice, and he’s clearly wrong about that.

        That said, it would be 100% Biden’s MO to get the ceasefire sometime next year after hundreds of thousands more civilian casualties and call that a “win.” Pathetic, dinosaur, loser.

        • @banneryear1868
          47 months ago

          Biden was a darling of the Israel lobby for most of his career. His Vice Presidency was a fig leaf thrown to satiate them into supporting Obama’s presidential run, since Obama was known for openly recognizing the situation and even attended pro-Palestine events and lectures.

          Americans don’t really have a say in their foreign policy, it’s basically whatever the military industrial complex decides is in America’s best interest.

  • @interceder270
    7 months ago

    The US government answers to Israel instead of its own citizens.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.

    – Winston Churchill

    Not sure about the always part.

  • @badbytes
    17 months ago

    The whole world is tired of Israel’s shit.

  • @blahsay
    -117 months ago

    I mean…if they release the hostages I’m sure they’d ceasefire. But releasing them all from weeks of rape and torture isn’t on the table for Hamas so the Israelis will keep going till they’re recovered or dead probably.