Well, I didn’t expect us to have an existential crisis today, but here we are.
Well, I didn’t expect us to have an existential crisis today, but here we are.
They think/know they’ll be rich enough to avoid the negative problems climate change will present, or they’ll be dead before it happens. They’re writing checks that the rest us will have to cash and laughing at us as we cheer for them to do so.
This was taken in summer time
This is literally the Khol’s business model
Salted a few hours beforehand, reverse seared at 250F in the oven until up to temp and seared in cast iron after hitting it with a little extra salt and pepper prior to dropping it in the pan.
I generally use the J Kenji Lopez-Alt prep method, it never fails.
Probably the strip steak. The bison was really dang good
Intelligang represent!
Intellevision may not have the best controller design out there, but the versatility with the different card inserts made playing games easier when I was a kid. Basically a guide in the palm of your hands for each game you owned. Losing them did blow however.
I watched Severance, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I like your positive outlook on life. It is a solid silver lining that fewer people will die needlessly, specifically BECAUSE Elon is one of the worst people alive AND a moron causing less people to own one.
It also has terrible build quality, is almost double the price they said it would be, & does zero things better than any of its competitors. Crazy to think that anyone would prefer to purchase something (or you know, literally anything) other than a cybertruck
This and SAP were my co-headliners in my rotation in high school. So many bangers. Congrats on the good pickup and hope you’re able to get that upgrade whenever you’re able😁
You are not misremembering. It did give us one of the most hilariously awful controller designs (though I applaud them swinging for the fences), and it it was the precursor to the steam deck, so it wasn’t completely worthless.
If they can take the lessons learned from their recent successes with the steam deck, I could see them making something that sticks around for a bit. There’s a market for people that want the steam ecosystem but are intimidated by PC builds or the toxic sub culture that sometimes permeates PC gamers. Having a pre-built PC with proper backing that just works out of the box with minimal tinkering could be an attractive option for some.
They definitely notice, why do you think they’re pushing the birth rate and great replacement theory BS so damn hard? They want everyone young, broke and uneducated so they can keep the grift going.
Being honest, probably not much, but the amount isn’t zero. I guess I’m just not seeing how creating any kind of brand confusion helps an established brand like goldfish when people will just forget about this kind of thing almost immediately.
Shorter version, you’re right that it isn’t a large expenditure, but god, it’s so dumb.
It’s the same as when IHOP renamed themselves the International House of Burgers to promote their stupid burger menu then immediately changed back.
I’d love to know how much stunts like this actually convince anyone to consciously or unconsciously purchase more of whatever the marketing team is being paid to promote (I’m guessing nowhere near enough to cover their salaries and the stunt itself).
A lot of it came from Fox being the young upstart network that wanted to make waves. They started green lighting shows that no other network would put on air and it let the writers cut loose and even make fun of Fox as a network. It made them cool and less stuffy, while letting them grab onto the Gen X/Millennial core audience group. Lots of other channels did the same thing and were successful, but rarely to the degree of late 80s - early 90s Fox.
Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I’ll be back.
Vigo the Carpathian knew how to spit some bars.