Is there a site like ‘cover your tracks’ for showing that websites can see what extensions I have (as opposed to other fingerprinting)? Thank you 🙃

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      This says it only detects chrome extensions, so I am not surprised it doesn’t detect your Firefox extensions. Why do you say that Firefox won’t leak extensions at all? Do you have a source for that?

      • Atemu
        37 months ago

        Detecting extensions using web accessible resources is not possible on Firefox as Firefox extension ID’s are unique for every browser instance. Therefore the URL of the extension resources cannot be known by third parties.

        and also for Chrome:

        in manifest v3 extensions will be able to enable ‘use_dynamic_url’ option, which will change the resource URL for each session (browser restart). This will render this detection method unusable.

        Though it should be noted that this method isn’t the only way to detect extensions.

        • Atemu
          7 months ago

          The way it’s written doesn’t say whether it simply isn’t made to work for Firefox or whether it couldn’t be made to work for Firefox. Fortunately, the latter appears to be the case.

    • @TCB13
      37 months ago

      But there is no easy way to detect all extensions, instead most popular ones

      It doesn’t really matter if its easy or hard, I’m sure Google already has automated processes in-place to detect all extensions published to the store and fingerprint browsers. They might even have the same for Firefox extensions, who knows.