I’m very new here but I decided to check and compare the posts in a community on lemmy.world (where I have my account) and that same community on the instance where it resides and the posts were almost all completely different! Is that how it’s supposed to work or are they supposed to be synced? Sorry if this is a noob question, I’m new here

  • TheOneCurly
    81 year ago

    Ideally yes, posts should be mirrored exactly across all instances.

    In practicality, lemmy.world and others are having some outgoing federation issues. Hopefully wrinkles will get ironed out with time but I would expect the issues to get worse over the next few days as the API apocalypse happens.

  • @cerevant
    41 year ago

    I’ve been working on a bot, and when things are working it synchronizes almost instantaneously, including edits to posts and new comments. Any significant delay should be rare.

    There are a bunch of reasons why things might be out of synch - load issues, software compatibility (lemmy.world is still on 0.17.4 while lemmy.ml has upgraded to 0.18), bugs… It helps to keep in mind that Lemmy is barely more than beta at this point.

    • @RookiA
      11 year ago

      Wdym with a bot? As it would just duplicate posts,comments etc…

      • @cerevant
        11 year ago

        No, the bot edits the post on one instance, and I view the post on Lemmy.world using this account.

        • @RookiA
          11 year ago

          He CANT edit one just delete and ban ( if he is a mod of the community )

          • @cerevant
            11 year ago

            I don’t understand- are we talking about the same thing? I’m talking about how fast changes are synchronized between instances.

            • @RookiA
              11 year ago

              Sry MB i got confused over some double notifications

  • Tugg
    31 year ago

    No, communities on different instances will not have the same content. This is one of the features of the fediverse.

    Each instance can have it’s own /c/memes and they won’t conflict. So, there could be https://lemmy.world/c/memes and https://lemmyverse.org/c/memes and they could each be different with different content and rules. If you want to see each instances ‘memes’ community, then you will need to subscribe to them individually from your home instance. Once you do that, the ‘memes’ community will be ‘cached’ on your home instance and it will show up in everyone’s feed on your home server.

      • czech
        31 year ago

        Right now its a bit of a mess while things are quickly developing. Ultimately, federated communities should look the same across the fediverse, with a slight delay.

        There are some caveats to that around defederation.

      • Tugg
        21 year ago

        In that case, you should see pretty much the same content. The only reason I could think they would be different is if you are the first one to subscribe to that community on your instance, then not all the posts will show up. You home instance only starts caching a community when someone subscribes to it and you may have been the first. Other than that, I have seen reports of people saying that the posts aren’t the same, but usually it’s a few missing here and there. Same with comments.

    • @RookiA
      21 year ago

      That is called simply blocking kbin.

  • Blóðbók
    11 year ago

    I don’t know if this is the same question worded differently, but I’m unclear about what is supposed to be synced when a community gets federated.

    Let’s say I’m the first one on my instance to sub to a community on another instance. At first it is of course empty because it hasn’t been federated, but after a few moments the posts, old and new, start to show up. However, existing votes and comments appear to not get pulled in - only new ones created after the moment the community was initially federated.

    Naturally, I don’t expect votes, posts or comments from blocked users or instances to sync. But the rest should be IMO - at least lazily (e.g. only when you visit a post do comments and votes on it get pulled in).