• @Carvex
    3110 months ago

    …and? We know, they don’t care.

    • @executive_chickenOP
      1910 months ago

      When will the time come when the rich are back on the menu?

      • @Carvex
        810 months ago

        When corn won’t grow, perhaps we eat some grilled billionaire ribs

        • BraveSirZaphod
          10 months ago

          The average global 1% is your doctor or your middle manager boss, not a billionaire.

          • @Zron
            310 months ago

            That’s not how averages or percentages work.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      140k/yr USD is still well within the class of people who care. Basically every doctor in America falls into that category.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        310 months ago

        There’s this temptation to believe that global warming is only caused by a very small group of unrepentant greedy assholes, when the fact of the matter is that it really is a systemic issue caused by essentially everyone in a moderately developed country.

        Sure, most emissions can be traced to a handful of companies, but we’ve quite recently seen what happens when the price of gas spikes even a little bit and people lose their god damn minds. Companies go for cheap polluting practice because consumers demand everything be as cheap as possible.

  • BraveSirZaphod
    810 months ago

    It should be noted that the category of ‘world’s richest 1%’ includes quite a lot of Americans. If you’ve ever flown for a vacation, there’s a decent chance you’re included in that category. This is not the Musks and Bezos and Gates of the world; it’s the doctors, lawyers, tech workers, and middle managers.

  • @kemsat
    210 months ago

    They also own almost all of the other carbon emitting facilities & vehicles. So they’re responsible for most of the carbon emissions.

  • @ExfilBravo
    110 months ago

    Rich people are that “this is fine” meme. Chilling while the world burns around them.