• Kühe sind toll
      1210 months ago

      And that’s only because we come more often and much closer to cows than we come to sharks.

      • @Shard
        10 months ago

        Its also because big ass herbivores are actually really dangerous.

        Sharks don’t actually like the taste of humans because we’re a little too lean. So they won’t actively hunt you unless they’re starving. There’s only really one reason why a shark is out to get you. There’s many reasons a herbivore will mess you up.

        A big herbivore will fk you up because he’s having a bad day and you got too close. Or its mating season and everyone is potential competition. Or they mistook you for a predator cause of their poor eyesight. Or a bird flew away nearby and one of them got startled and now you’re in a path of a stampede.

        • Kühe sind toll
          510 months ago

          Sharks may also bite you by accident, because they mistake you for a seal.

          How dangerous a bull is also depends on his age. While getting older he will start to lose the fear/respect for humans. This will get to a point where being alone with him is a literal death sentence.

  • Octopus
    1210 months ago

    There was a 82 year old man who had to pee and couldn’t hold it in, so he went to a train track to do it. While he was pissing, a cow from the air crushed him. His death certificate literally says “Death by a flying cow”. It turned out that cows were crossing a track and the train hit one of the cows full speed, so it was sent flying right towards the man. He ended up passing away.

  • Kühe sind toll
    1110 months ago

    Even tho cows are cool as hell, don’t mess with them if you don’t know them. Especially bulls can easily kill you(and they will do).

  • @Dasnap
    910 months ago

    I literally walked into my grandparents’ garden one day and found a cow just hanging out. No one believed me when I went to tell them until they heard it moo. Turns out it had managed to break the fence at a local field and was just roaming.

  • @TastyWheat
    410 months ago

    It’s true. I was nearly killed by a cow. Turned my car into a convertible and missed my head by millimetres.

    • don
      610 months ago

      So you met a cow and got a new car and a haircut for your troubles. Not bad at all!

  • @Armand1
    210 months ago

    This looks like my old student accommodation

  • @wieson
    210 months ago

    Made my brain autofill the rest of the image with the cow standing on two legs and having human arms.

  • hltdev
    110 months ago

    just wants to use your phone bro