• tiredofsametab
    378 months ago

    Maybe they can but they don’t and they won’t. Lookin’ at you, US Healthcare.

  • @HocEnimVeni
    358 months ago

    Why do it better and cheaper when you can do it worse for much cheaper but charge way more so you can make record profits?

  • @[email protected]
    318 months ago

    With more profits for shareholders? Sure. Faster and cheaper? No, not even close. Just look at every instance, where infrastructure is privatised, it goes to shit.

  • @MrJameGumb
    298 months ago

    Sure, they can, but they never do. The private sector will pretty much always do things as cheaply as possible and then charge as much as they can possibly get away with.

    • diprount_tomato
      -68 months ago

      And if there are no state-aided monopolies, you should be able to find competition that tries to sell cheaper

  • @phoneymouse
    8 months ago

    The private sector and the government are not supposed to do the same things. The government should represent the public good and protect citizens from the excesses of the private sector. We should strive to live in a society that makes everyone happy and healthy. If the actions of the private sector are not serving that end, then the government should intervene to correct it.

    Citizens who do not support the mere notion of government are forfeiting their best chance to ensure a world that works for their shared common interests as members of the public.

    • diprount_tomato
      68 months ago

      Yes, the government should add some rules to the private sector, not fund their monopolies like they seem to do

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      Citizens who do not support the mere notion of government are forfeiting their best chance to ensure a world that works for their shared common interests as members of the public.

      People who support corporate hegemony and anarcho-capitalism are boot-licking authoritarianism. They are distracted by daydreams that they will be micro-authoritarian feudal lords and not the serfs being crushed under the corporate boot.

      • diprount_tomato
        38 months ago

        Kinda similar to the tankies that think they’ll be book sellers and not coal miners

    • FuglyDuck
      58 months ago

      “Sure we can. But our definitions may be different,”- corpo stooge

  • @YoBuckStopsHere
    27 months ago

    The government should only regulate industry not run it. I personally think government elected officials should be barred from owning stocks and should be charged with insider trading if they open stock accounts in family member names. Government and Business should remain separate.

  • @[email protected]
    -78 months ago

    Why so many downvotes? It is in the subject of the community… If we can’t accept memes that go against our opinion…

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      Cause it’s a shit take? I feel like it’s either rage bait or otherwise just a really dumb opinion cause it’s obviously not true.

      If it had said “fascism is awesome”, would you also wonder why it had so many downvotes? Some opinions are just too stupid to even be worth discussing.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        If you’re comparing fascism with what this meme is joking at, you’ve got a big problem, buddy.

        fuck nazis, fuck nazism, fuck capitalism, but please let’s not fall into stupidity