Never invade Russia in the winter. Never fight a land war in Asia. Never go for a third term as Prime Minister in Canada. It makes the electorate hate you. I don’t complain much about his policies, but Trudeau is screwing his own party over and now we might end up with the Trumpiest of Canadian politicians as PM.

  • @Oderus
    3410 months ago

    Polling when there’s no election is meaningless.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      I would say it’s a very noisy signal but not meaningless. Also, one affects the other: the polling affects when there will be an election. Not now!

    • @FireRetardant
      610 months ago

      I’m of the belief they use polling to help maintain the status quo of only really having 2 partys people want to choose. The polling helps them ensure no 3rd party steps in and starts gaining traction. A lot of people tell me its a waste of a vote if it isnt for the libs or the cons. The absolute reliance and normality of strategic voting is an obvious sign we are due for electoral reform and some new faces in parliament.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Agreed. Except this might be useful info for the LPC. If Trudeau’s trailing PP by 15 points, maybe it’s hard to ignore that a new figurehead is needed for them to be competitive in the election. With all the climate change denialism going on, it’d be so disheartening to elect PP 😔

      • @Oderus
        610 months ago

        If the Liberals lose the next election, it won’t be because of Pierre, it’ll be despite Pierre. Like his idol Trump, Bitcoin Millhouse could shoot someone in the face on Sussex road and Conservatives would still vote for him. Liberal voters keep their party in check and will only vote when they do enough good things.

        • @systemglitch
          010 months ago

          Because liberals are better humans than conservatives?

          • @Oderus
            110 months ago

            Not sure I’d go that far, but I’d say Liberals supporters are less sheep-like than Conservative supporters, generally speaking of course.

            • @systemglitch
              010 months ago

              Funny, because I honestly see no difference, they just sheep on different things, same goes for avid NDP supporters.

              • @Oderus
                210 months ago

                There are always sheep, regardless of views. My belief is that Conservatives have ‘better’ sheep because they rarely ever vote against their own party (even when damaging information comes to light) whereas LPC/NDP share a voter base and often cannibalize each others support.

      • girlfreddy
        -110 months ago

        Wasn’t that long ago Chrystia Freeland was supposed to take over the party leadership from Trudeau.

        Too bad the old boys’ network behind the scenes decided that wasn’t good enough and kept JT at the helm … and now the Libs pay the price for their stupidity.

  • @ag10n
    2210 months ago

    Cons need validation in polls because they literally aren’t doing anything else.

  • @xc2215x
    1810 months ago

    People looking for a quick fix so they choose Pierre.

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    Remember everyone: POLLS ARE VOTER MANIPULATION. Polls like this demoralize voters, making them think that the election has already been decided. They pulled the same bullshit in Ontario during Ford’s second election – if “Did not vote” was a political party, it would have taken 80+% of seats in the Ontario Legislature. Instead, less than 17% of eligible voters gave him a 66% majority. Total bullshit.

    Spread the word.

    • @sailingbytheleeOP
      -810 months ago

      Or…polls reflect the current state of voter opinion and this should serve as a useful warning to Trudeau and the Liberal Party that they should choose a new leader before the next election. No need to go full conspiracy.

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        It only reflects opinions from “people who responded to our poll” which is not a demographic representative of voters.

        • @sailingbytheleeOP
          010 months ago

          Sure, and there is a reasonable discussion to be had about how pollsters compose panels and use statistical techniques to try, with varying degrees of success, to make those panels more representative of the population. However, simply dismissing all polls as “voter manipulation” is unreasonable.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    Where is the option for “They are all pieces of shit that shouldn’t be running a country” ?

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      And if that option wins, a pool of citizens who have marked that they’d be willing to serve a term in government get randomly selected from each riding to fill each seat. You can only serve if you haven’t ran federally before.

    • Zorque
      510 months ago

      It’s filed under “Useless information that doesn’t help anyone”.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago


        If you paid attention to any of his policies or speakings then it would be obvious

        He even refuses to accept security clearances so how can anyone see him as viable

        • @asterfield
          -210 months ago

          yeah agreed, but he’s not the only clown in the room

  • @[email protected]
    -5010 months ago

    Pollievre isn’t trump and he isn’t even the trumpiest politician we’ve had. The conservatives in power will be just as destructive for Canadians as the Libs, as all 3 of our major federal parties are pretty much the same thing. They’re all bought and paid for. We need a true party for the working class in this country.

    I’ll end with this: Fuck Trudeau, put him in jail.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Homie wants to defund the CBC so we can get closer to a corporate-owned state. Because we obviously need media to be further dominated by wealth.

      Sure, “both sides” or whatever, but let’s not downplay just how fucking awful Pollievre is.

      • @[email protected]
        -3110 months ago

        All three of our major political parties are neo-libs. There is no “both sides” because only one side is represented in politics in this country.

        I shed no tears for the CBC. A single media outlet controlled by whatever political party is currently in power being sold off isn’t anything to cry about. Instead of 99% of our news outlets being corporate-owned, 100% will be. The CBC exists to make money, and has been that way since they started displaying ads next to content already paid for by the Canadian taxpayer.

        • @[email protected]
          1910 months ago

          The CBC is independent of the the party in power, that’s why Harper wanted to get rid of them (and Pierre)

          But it’s the only non-biased source we have

        • @[email protected]
          1010 months ago

          A single media outlet controlled by whatever political party is currently in power

          I see here you don’t understand how the CBC is set up.

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          If you want the CBC to not show ads then your should be in favor of properly funding it instead of wanting to privatize it.

    • @[email protected]
      2710 months ago

      The closest working class party we have at the federal level is the NDP, while the Conservatives are farthest.

      If you at all care about the working class you shouldn’t ever vote conservative.

      • @[email protected]
        -1710 months ago

        The NDP is not for the working class. In 2016 they removed all mentions of the word “socialism” from their party constitution. They saw an opening to go for the throat of the liberals so they can replace them. That’s what they desire. There isn’t an ounce of working-class spirit in the whole party. Most of their members are rent-seeking landlords (they have slightly fewer than the libs or cons) that desire personal profit over fixing Canada for the working class. Fuck the NDP (in its current iteration).

        • @[email protected]
          1510 months ago

          You say all that, while they continue to push for and in many cases successfully push through bills that do help the working class.

          You’re welcome to your own opinions, but realize that when they aren’t actually based on anything they likely aren’t true.

        • jcrm
          1410 months ago

          You can think this all you want, but they absolutely are the party of the working class. They constantly push for policies that would benefit the working class and most vulnerable people in the country, and advocate for solutions to issues that would actually change the status quo. Their proposal for electoral reform is the best any party has come up with. They’ve also been the only party showing up to union rallies and picket lines during strikes.

          While the Cons and Liberals have been voting together on a lot of bills, the NDP has been fighting against their neolib garbage. They might not be perfect, but your “they’re all the same” garbage only makes sure we stay in the hellish austerity cycle we’re stuck in.

        • Daniel Quinn
          1310 months ago

          I’m really disappointed with the NDP. Their abandonment of the socialist platform and their shite environmental record in BC and Alberta were a slap in the face for those who have fought for them over the years.

          They’re still a better choice than the Liberals or Conservatives, but I don’t think they really understand what they’ve given up by sabotaging their base as they have.

    • @Oderus
      2410 months ago

      Jail for doing what exactly? ROFL

      • @[email protected]
        2110 months ago

        Fuck Trudeau people never have a cogent answer for this lol. But they all seem to believe it.

        The answer is that their right wing propaganda told them so, and they’re not smart enough to think for themselves… so they repeat it.

        • @SamuelRJankis
          910 months ago

          As someone who believes that Conservatives are just a more religious and dumber version of the Liberals. I really have no problem with the “fuck Trudeau” slogans but they probably want to spend more time figuring out what the actual solution is.

          The whole conservative mantra is just to simplify everything to single individual whether it be a villain or savior.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago


          • criticizes NDP for no longer being socialist
          • criticizes liberals and conservatives for being neo-libs
          • dislikes the CBC for being their mouthpiece

          You: “dumb cons lmao”

          • @[email protected]
            910 months ago

            Criticising only works if you have an argument to back you up. When you’re just making things up you’re just talking shit.

            People don’t really take “talking shit” seriously, which is why you’re getting the reaction you are.

            If you have anything substantial to back up anything you’re saying, people are generally happy to listen. But the reality is you’re regurgitating the same fake points that we’ve all heard and have been disproven dozens of times.

            • @Oderus
              310 months ago

              17 hours later… no response. Shocked I tell ya.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      The current Con party is the Reform party

      The current Lib party is the old Con party

      Your true working class party is the NDP or Bloc depending on where you live

    • Rentlar
      1110 months ago

      The conservatives in power will be just as destructive for Canadians as the Libs

      Alberta Premier Danielle Smith would like to have a word with you…

    • @sailingbytheleeOP
      910 months ago

      Trudeau is the Austin Powers of Canadian politics. Poilievre is like Trump in the sense that he panders to the Freedumb cult and he has no real ideas of his own. He’s just against whatever the Libs are for.

      I agree with you that we need a viable working class party. The NDP have sometimes been that party, and could be again someday.