There’s a ton of trepidation surrounding AI in the creative industry, but one start-up is trying to give voice actors a way to use the technology ethically - and have control over the way their voices are used.

  • @Fredselfish
    910 months ago

    This is the way! And good for them. Because AI voice acting is coming and their jobs with it. This is one way they could mske money. With this at least when AI takes her job she can get paid using this system.

  • R0cket_M00se
    110 months ago

    Bingo, they absolutely nailed it. AI isn’t going to stop, but your voice, your persona could absolutely be the product. Create an LLM, and then get royalties for however much content is generated from it.

    I know it’s kind of taking the acting out of acting, but the model itself still has to be built on something and they could request different ones if the character is supposed to sound different from the mainstream voice of the actor.